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What We Do

The Center for Transportation Logistics and Security maintains expertise in all aspects of local, regional, national, and global freight logistics and transportation infrastructure. Our team addresses issues including physical and cyber security, logistics management systems, and maritime domain awareness. Our expertise enables rapid development of technologies that increase the capacity of these systems while also improving security, safety, and environmental stewardship.

View Technical Center Fact Sheets


  • Transportation Security Assessments
  • Evaluation and Deployment of Security Technologies
  • Cyber Security Assessments and Program Development
  • Emergency Response, Recovery and Resilience Programs
  • Maritime Situational Awareness System Development and Deployment
  • Multi-Modal Data Aggregation

Key Official

Michael Dinning
Michael Dinning
Director, Center for Transportation Logistics and Security
Mr. Dinning has been recognized by the Department of Transportation for his work in deploying advanced technology for public transit systems and developing information technology for logistics management systems. More >>

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