Heard on the Hill

Millennial Squad Star Power at DNC
Elizabeth Banks, Meryl Streep and Lena Dunham were headliners

Singer Andra Day does a sound check on stage on day two of the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia on Tuesday, July 26, 2016. (Photo By Bill Clark)

On Day 2 of the DNC convention, a millennial friendly star-studded crowd came out for Hillary Clinton.  

Whether millennials themselves or big time celebrities to the under 35 crowd of Americans, the actors and singers on Tuesday appealed to Clinton’s young voters.  

Which Person on the Presidential Tickets are You?
Are you most like Trump, Clinton, Pence or Kaine?
Trivia Tuesday: DNC Convention Edition
How well do you know your Democrats?

Philadelphia has been the site of both party's conventions. (Photo By Bill Clark/CQ Roll Call)

Philadelphia last hosted the Democratic National Convention in 1948 and the Republican National Convention in 2000. Who were the chairs of each of those conventions?  

A) Scoop Jackson / Phil Gramm  

The A-List Crowd Comes Out for Clinton
Hollywood comes to Philadelphia this week

Paul Simon sings "Bridge Over Troubled Water," during a sound check at the Wells Fargo Center in Philadelphia on Sunday. (Tom Williams/CQ Roll Call)

Just on Day One alone, the Democratic National Convention seems to be drawing a bigger slate of stars than last week's entire Republican lineup. While Donald Trump brought corporate executives and casino moguls to Cleveland, Hillary Clinton is bringing Hollywood  to Philadelphia.  

Opening the night was a musical act, R&B group Boyz II Men, who were the third artists ever to replace themselves at the top of the Billboard Hot 100 charts. They also have one of the best-selling albums ever released by a R&B group. And yes, "Dancing with the Stars" fans like them too, after tenor Wanya Morris placed fourth in the show’s 22nd season.  

DWS Twitter Mixup Creates Headache for California Man
Dave W Smith is getting mean tweets meant for Debbie Wasserman Schultz

Florida Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz isn't having a very good week. (Tom Williams/CQ Roll Call file photo)

Dave W. Smith is taking some of Debbie Wasserman Schultz's tough day off her hands. But not by choice.  

Smith, whose Twitter profile  says he is from Silicon Valley, is receiving mean tweets intended for the outgoing chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee  after the content of some internal committee emails were released by Wikileaks.  

In D.C. Instead of the DNC? Here Are Some Happy Hours for You
HOH's guide to where to watch the convention

Hill hot spots are catering to you this week. (Al Drago/CQ Roll Call File Photo)

You're with her but not actually with her in Philadelphia? Still writing constituent letters while your boss is at the convention? Good news for you, you’re not alone.    

Here is the HOH calendar of Democratic convention fun this week in D.C..

Arizona's Kyrsten Sinema Spins Through Her Day
The triathlete is taking her spinning classes to the public

Arizona Rep. Kyrsten Sinema, the first sitting member of Congress to finish an IRONMAN triathlon, is now teaching spin classes to the public. (Tom Williams/CQ Roll Call File Photo)

Kyrsten Sinema is a morning person.

That’s often hard when the House has late votes, like it did before the August recess.

Members Learn About Brexit From the Source
Rep. Scott Peters brought Scottish MP to San Diego's pride parade

From left to right: Oregon Gov. Kate Brown, former California Assembly Speaker Toni Atkins, California Rep. Scott Peters and Scottish MP Angela Crawley. (Courtesy Rep. Scott Peters)

While members of Congress had some downtime over recess, a few learned about Brexit directly from members of Parliament across the pond.

British parliamentarians are each year matched with members of Congress, whom they shadow as part of the State Department’s British-American Parliamentary Group project.  

'Republican' In Peace: An Irish Wake in D.C. for the Republican Party
Ex-Gingrich and Dole staffer organizes GOP wake

Andrew Weinstein, a former Republican staffer, poses in front of a funeral wreath decorating the traditional Irish wake for the GOP, which took place in the back bar of The Dubliner. (Chris Hale)

At this "Irish wake," the beer was poured, toasts were made and stories were told around a coffin draped in black silk.  A white floral wreath mourned the deceased, a ribbon wrapped around its center read: "RIP GOP."  

Republicans gathered at the Dubliner, D.C.'s popular Irish tavern in the shadow of the Capitol, to mourn their party, now the province of a brash outsider who has demolished what they knew and loved in politics.  

Trump and Clinton: Here Are Your Song Recommendations
We asked readers what the nominees should choose

Should presidential candidate Donald Trump walk out to Geto Boys' "Damn it Feels Good to be a Gangsta" on Thursday? (Photo By Tom Williams/CQ Roll Call)

With Queen asking Donald Trump not to use "We Are the Champions" again, we asked our readers what song the Republican nominee should choose as he walks out to give his acceptance speech Thursday.  

Frankly, people were a little negative.  

Were Presidential Candidates Allowed to Use These Songs Campaigning?
Do you know your candidate-artist feuds?

Donald Trump walked out to Queen on Monday at the Republican convention in Cleveland. (Bill Clark/CQ Roll Call)

Give the Presidential Candidates Song Recommendations
What are your tune choices?

Presidential candidate Donald Trump has already used Queen. (Tom Williams/CQ Roll Call File Photo)

Quiz: How well do you know Melania Trump?
Test your knowledge of Donald Trump's wife

Melania Trump, wife of Republican presumptive nominee Donald Trump, gave a controversial speech on Monday. (Photo By Bill Clark/CQ Roll Call)

Trivia Tuesday: GOP Convention Edition
How well do you know the Republican nominees?

From right, Sen. John McCain and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell attend a statue unveiling ceremony for the late Sen. Barry Goldwater in the Capitol's Statuary Hall in 2015. (Tom Williams/CQ Roll Call file photo)

In this week's Trivia Tuesday, we're going all convention as Republicans convene in Cleveland, before the Democrats gather next week in Philadelphia.

In 1964, Republican presidential nominee Sen. Barry Goldwater of Arizona picked a House member as his running mate.

Supreme Court Nomination Set to Break Record for Inaction
Merrick Garland was nominated in March, but he hasn't gotten a vote

NARAL sent a letter to the Guinness Book of World Records. (Congressional Quarterly/ Scott J. Ferrell File Photo)

Merrick Garland 's nomination to the Supreme Court is set to become the longest ever without action by the Senate.  

On Wednesday, it will be 126 days since President Barack Obama selected the D.C. appeals court jurist to succeed Antonin Scalia, who died in February.