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U.S. Department of Health and Human Services


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Novel Interventions and Collaborations to Improve the Safe Use of Medications--Cooperative Agreements


In June 2011, the CDER’s Safe Use Initiative issued an announcement, “Novel Interventions and Collaborations to Improve the Safe Use of Medications,” to offer funding opportunities for innovative research.

Read the details of the announcement (RFA-FD-11-024)disclaimer icon


The following ten cooperative agreements were awarded in fiscal year 2011 by FDA through CDER’s Safe Use Initiative:

  • Children’s Mercy Hospital; Kansas City, Missouri
    Ensuring medication safety in pediatric emergencies
  • Georgia Medical Care Foundation; Atlanta, Georgia
    Improving the safe use of medications by patients with diabetes
  • Kaiser Foundation Research Institute; Oakland, California
    Predicting the risk of C. difficile infection to improve fluoroquinolone use
  • National Foundation for Celiac Awareness; Ambler, Pennsylvania
    Gluten in Medication: Qualifying the extent of exposure to people with celiac disease and identifying a hidden and preventable cause of an adverse drug event
  • Stanford University; Stanford, California
    Impact of the unapproved drug initiative on colchicine use
  • University of Alabama, Birmingham; Birmingham, Alabama
    Reducing preventable harm triggered by pharmaceutical spam
  • University of Michigan; Ann Arbor, Michigan
    A statewide pediatric safety collaboration to standardize compounded oral liquids
  • University of Pittsburgh; Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
    Improving the safe use of isotretinoin
  • University of Rhode Island; Kingston, Rhode Island
    Promoting safe use of medications by providing medication education to seniors receiving meals on wheels
  • University of South Carolina Research Foundation; Columbia, South Carolina
    South Carolina opioid safety initiative (SCOSI)

