Thursday, March 21, 2013

  • Musharraf's Motives

    Former Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf is expected to return home this week after nearly four years in self-imposed exile. But considering the serious criminal charges he faces, the question arises -- why now?

  • Caught Between Brussels And Moscow

    As the crisis deepens in Cyprus, attention is focusing on Russia's role in preventing the island state from going bankrupt and exiting the eurozone. Natalya Orlova, chief economist at Alfa Bank, discusses Moscow's stance.

  • A Creeping Crisis Of Legitimacy

    The Russian government, the prime minister, the Defense Ministry, the State Duma, and the ruling party have all been subject to withering attacks in recent months. And the opposition barely needed to lift a finger.


Video Video Flashback: The 2003 Invasion Of Iraq

On March 20, 2003, U.S. forces and their coalition allies began bombing targets in Iraq, marking the start of the Iraq War. Here are some of the most significant, and sometimes shocking, moments of the invasion and the early days of the war in Iraq. WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT (Reuters)

Photogallery The Herald Of Norouz Comes To Iran

People throughout the Middle East, Caucasus, and Central Asia are preparing to celebrate Norouz, the Persian New Year, which marks the beginning of spring on March 20-21. In many countries, a costumed character appears in public to greet the holiday with song and dance.

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Iraq -- Texting in Baghdad, Jun2011

No More Radio Silence For Iraqi Youth

Three days a week, young people in Iraq can tune into a 15- minute... More

 Belarusian musician Dzmitry (Vincent) Papko plays the leading role of army conscript Miron Zakharka in "Viva Belarus!"
Off Mic

‘Viva Belarus!’ Shows Stalinism is Alive and Well

“Viva Belarus!”, a groundbreaking feature film, portrays the harsh... More

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