Author Archives: Dave Hoff

Community Partners Share Responsibility to Support K-12 Schools

When it comes to increasing student achievement in K-12 schools, Secretary Duncan believes everyone has a role to play – teachers, parents, higher education leaders, business executives, community partners and the students themselves. In April, the White House Office of … Continue reading

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American Jobs Act Will Invest in Education Now

At the final event of the “Education and the Economy” Back-to-School Bus Tour, Secretary Arne Duncan returned to his hometown with an urgent message: Our country needs to invest in education today. During a roundtable discussion at Carl Schurz High … Continue reading

Posted in Back to School Tour 2011, Headlines, News, Schools and Community | Tagged | 3 Comments

American Jobs Act Will Create Jobs Today and in the Future

President Obama’s American Jobs Act will make immediate investments that will help today’s students compete in tomorrow’s economy. The Jobs Act will provide $30 billion to support teachers’ jobs and another $30 billion to modernize and renovate schools. Both are … Continue reading

Posted in Back to School Tour 2011, Headlines, News, Teachers | Tagged , | 1 Comment

Northwest Indiana Is Ready

We are ready. That’s the message that the One Region, One Vision initiative sent to Secretary of Education Arne Duncan when the Education and the Economy bus tour stopped in Merrillville, Ind., on Thursday afternoon. Before Secretary Duncan delivered his … Continue reading

Posted in Back to School Tour 2011, Headlines, News, P-12 Reform | 1 Comment

Education and the ‘New Day’ in Detroit

In a spirited community meeting at a high-performing public school in Detroit, Secretary of Education Arne Duncan reminded the audience that the city’s economic renaissance is inextricably linked to the reform of its schools. “I couldn’t be more hopeful about … Continue reading

Posted in Back to School Tour 2011, P-12 Reform, Schools and Community | 3 Comments

Stakeholders Express Frustration Over Lack of Change in ESEA

This week, national organizations representing school boards, superintendents, principals, teachers, parents and other stakeholders sent Secretary of Education Arne Duncan a letter asking for regulatory relief from the No Child Left Behind Act. While Congress and the Obama administration work … Continue reading

Posted in ESEA Reauthorization, Headlines, News, P-12 Reform | Tagged | 4 Comments

Tips for Parents for National Day on Writing

Use everyday activities to help your child become a strong writer. Find out how. Continue reading

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At Beginning and End, Bus Tour Focuses on Civil Rights

The “Courage in the Classroom” bus tour started at a landmark of the civil rights movement, and ended with middle school students telling Secretary Duncan about their civil rights movement research project. Continue reading

Posted in 2010 Back To School Tour, News, P-12 Reform, Photos | 1 Comment

Working Together to Address Students’ Needs

Education is everybody’s responsibility, and everyone has a role to play: teachers, parents, elected officials, and school leaders. Continue reading

Posted in 2010 Back To School Tour, News, P-12 Reform, Photos | 2 Comments

New York’s Mission: Improving Teacher Effectiveness

Secretary Duncan visited New York teachers union headquarters to hear about efforts to support teacher development and improve teacher evaluation. Continue reading

Posted in 2010 Back To School Tour, News, Photos, Teachers | 1 Comment

Helping New Orleans Rebuild Its Schools

Five years ago, Hurricane Katrina destroyed schools throughout New Orleans. Since then, the state and city have worked together to make the city’s schools a model for school reform. New Orleans schools have made remarkable progress. They have been an … Continue reading

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