What we do

We are a bespoke trading entity, and arm’s length body of the Ministry of Defence. We manage a vast range of complex projects to buy and support all the equipment and services that the Royal Navy, British Army and Royal Air Force need to operate effectively. We work closely with industry, including through partnering agreements and private finance initiatives.

DE&S is part of the Ministry of Defence.

Read more about what we do


Our announcements

Our consultations

Our publications

Our management

  • Tony Douglas

    Tony Douglas

    Chief Executive of Defence Equipment and Support (DE&S)

Contact DE&S

Office address

Ministry of Defence
DE&S Secretariat
Maple 0a, #2043
MOD Abbey Wood

BS34 8JH

Copyright and Intellectual Property Group

MOD Copyright Administrator
Poplar 2 #2214
MOD Abbey Wood
BS34 8JH

MOD copyright licensing information.

Make an FOI request

  1. Read about the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act and how to make a request
  2. Check our previous releases to see if we’ve already answered your question
  3. Make a new request by contacting us at:

Freedom of Information Act and Environmental Information Regulation requests

MOD Information Rights Team
1st floor, Zone K
Main Building


Not to be used for requesting your own information (Subject Access Request), service records including for deceased relatives, or pension enquiries.

Corporate information

Jobs and contracts