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Recovery Act

Total Federal Payments to OE Recovery Act Recipients by Month, through January 31, 2013

 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Overview

Smart Grid Investment Grant $3,482,831,000 99
Smart Grid Regional and Energy Storage Demonstration Projects $684,829,000 42
Workforce Development Program $100,000,000 52
Interconnection Transmission Planning $80,000,000 6
State Assistance for Recovery Act Related Electricity Policies $48,619,000 49
Enhancing State Energy Assurance $43,500,000 50
Enhancing Local Government Energy Assurance $8,024,000 43
Interoperability Standards and Framework $12,000,000 1
Program Direction1 $27,812,000 --
1 Program Direction supports administration and management of OE's Recovery funds


The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Recovery Act) - which President Obama signed into law on February 17th, 2009 - is an unprecedented action to stimulate the economy. It includes measures to modernize our nation’s energy and communication infrastructure and enhance energy independence. As President Obama stated, “The investment we’re making today will create a newer, smarter electric grid that will allow for broader use of alternative energy.”


  • M2M Communications has developed a two-way, web-to-wireless controller for irrigation pumps for an agricultural demand response program in California, part of an irrigation load control system that includes sensors, smart meters, and other monitoring equipment.
  • Vermont utilities are participating in the statewide program eEnergy Vermont to install smart meters, SCADA systems, distribution automation equipment, and more.
  • Orange and Rockland Utilities is adding hardware and communications to create a small smart grid system to optimize the economic performance of the distribution circuits for 10,000 customers in New Jersey.
  • Pennsylvania's PPL Electric Utilities Corporation is installing a distribution management system with automation devices and supporting communication systems in a pilot program in the Harrisburg area.
  • Workforce training programs are transforming the electric grid by preparing the next generation of workers in the utility and electrical industries.
  • The Tri-State Electric Membership Cooperative has installed 15,000 smart meters and supporting infrastructure to improve services, reduce energy costs, and empower customers to better manage electricity usage.
  • In Illinois, the City of Naperville's smart grid modernization efforts are encouraging consumers to take on a bigger role in managing power consumption through the use of smart meters.
  • In New York City, Con Edison is upgrading its distribution system to reduce the frequency and duration of outages and improve power quality.
  • The Electric Power Board in Chattanooga, Tennessee, is making its distribution system more robust to provide continued reliable electric service and respond more effectively to severe weather events.
  • The North American Synchrophasor Initiative (NASPI) is working to prevent another major blackout in North America by installing synchrophasors that will provide real-time situational awareness of electric grid conditions
  • The National Rural Electric Cooperative Association is studying the impact of smart grid technologies that will reach more than 700,000 consumers in 12 states.
  • In the heart of “Tornado Alley,” Oklahoma Gas & Electric Company is pursuing demand response strategies to lower peak demand and improve efficiencies on the distribution system.
  • The Western Electricity Coordinating Council is modernizing the transmission system in the Western Interconnection to increase reliability and system performance, and enable greater use of renewables such as solar, hydro, and wind.
  • In rural Arkansas Woodruff Electric Cooperative has installed 14,450 smart meters and supporting communication infrastructure.



May 1, 2012
Building Tomorrow's Smart Grid Workforce Today
54 workforce training projects, ranging from college to professional development opportunities, are creating new training strategies and curricula, and establishing and enhancing workforce training programs.

February 10, 2012
Modernizing the Grid: Getting More out of America’s Energy
Some of the latest examples of how Smart Grid Investment Grants from the Energy Department are helping the electric grid to better serve the American people.

November 15, 2011
Innovative Energy Storage Technologies Enabling More Renewable Power
Three demonstration projects of large-scale energy storage have been recognized for their progress in the development and implementation of energy storage systems.

August 9, 2011
How the Smart Grid Helps Homeowners Reduce Their Energy Use
CenterPoint Energy in Houston, Texas is helping customers reduce the energy they use in their homes. Initial results from a pilot program show that giving consumers access to more information about their energy use empowers them to take action to save energy.


April 17, 2012
On April 11, 2012, DOE Recovery Act funding recipient Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD) celebrated a major milestone in the development of a regional smart grid in California: the installation of over 600,000 smart meters.


October 12, 2011
Federal Register Notice (PDF Version) on the DOE’s invitation for public comment on its request to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to extend for three years the Information Collection Request Title: OE Recovery Act Financial Assistance Grants, OMB Control No. 1910–5149 that DOE is developing for submission to OMB pursuant to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. Comments due on or before November 7, 2011. OMB Form 83-I. ICR Supporting Statement. SGIG Reporting Guidance.

August 10, 2011
Federal Register Notice (PDF Version ) on the DOE’s invitation for public comment on its intent to request the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to extend for four years the Information Collection Request Title: OE Recovery Act Financial Assistance Grants, OMB Control No. 1910–5149 that DOE is developing for submission to OMB pursuant to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. Comments due on or before October 11, 2011.


American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Full text) 
Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (EISA) 
OE Recovery Act - Funding Opportunities


SMARTGRID.GOV - Smart Grid Information on Federal Government activities, and "data hub" for recipients
Smart Grid Clearinghouse - OE Sponsored site with information on SG and projects nationwide

REPORTING - Updates on DOE Recovery awards - How Recovery funds are being spent by recipients of contracts, grants, and loans
FederalReporting.Gov - Federal reporting site for recipients
SIPRIS - SGIG project management and recipient reporting
DATA HUB - SGIG and SGDP metrics and benefits reporting