Islamic State fighters paraded in Raqqa, Syria.

Associated Press

Islamic State fighters paraded in Raqqa, Syria.

Obama’s foreign policy needs conviction of leadership

President Obama has more than two years to rebuild and reenergize a drifting US policy on foreign affairs. By Nicholas Burns

Kurdish Peshmerga fighters took cover during airstrikes targeting militants of the Islamic State in northern Iraq Aug. 8.

Opinion | Hugh Shelton

US can’t trust Iran as partner in battling ISIS

Part of President Obama’s solution to the Islamic State should be to evict Tehran and its militias from Iraq.

President Obama delivered a prime-time address from the White House about the US response to Islamic State terrorists.


Obama’s calm approach on ISIS will keep America safer

Americans wanted Obama to present ISIS as a grave threat in his national address Wednesday. He refused to do that.

Martha Coakley, Deval Patrick, Marty Walsh attended a Democratic breakfast Wednesday.


The case for a Coakley victory

Charlie Baker would love to declare an early victory over Martha Coakley, but she has strengths and assets as a candidate.


// A ‘wave’ election? More like a ripple.

In three prominent races Tuesday, being part of the status quo appears to have hurt, not helped.


Cambridge vs. Bridj: Don’t protect status quo

Because Bridj could prove helpful in easing congestion, Cambridge should embrace this innovation, not stand in the way.

Gerald Chan’s gift is the largest single donation to Harvard.


Gift to Harvard Public Health school boosts all of Mass.

The work done at places such as the Harvard School of Public Health is the foundation of Massachusetts’ dominance in health care.


Later starting times for schools makes sense

The longstanding practice of waking students in the wee hours to go to school has no educational justification.

dan wasserman

Editorial cartoons by Dan Wasserman

A look at the most recent illustrated viewpoints from Globe editorial cartoonist Dan Wasserman.

George Mitchell on Mideast peace

// How we got here

The prospect of Israeli and Palestinian peace may seem more distant than ever. But a two-state solution is still the only path forward.

The Work Issue

// Changing the dialogue about work

From freelancing to robots, a variety of writers discuss some of the changes to the labor market.