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Partner logos: BLM, FWS, FS, NPS, University of Montana Logo
Connecting federal employees, scientists, educators, and the public with their wilderness heritage
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Arthur Carhart National Wilderness Training Center Classroom Courses for FY13

Click on a course title for more information, or view proposed courses and dates for upcoming fiscal years, current online courses, webinars, or registration information for all classroom courses.
Interagency Training Courses Dates Location Lead Trainer
Wilderness Investigations Teacher Workshop 4/5/13-4/6/13 MT Audubon Education center (Billings) Steve Archibald
Regional Wilderness Stewardship Course 4/8/13-4/11/13 Albuquerque, NM Ken Straley
Wilderness Investigations Teacher Workshop 4/20/13 Cabinet Ranger Station (Trout Creek, MT) Steve Archibald
Regional Wilderness Stewardship Course 5/20/13-5/23/13 Redding, CA Chris Barns
National Wilderness Leadership Course 6/24/13-6/29/13 Missoula, MT All
Wilderness Investigations Teacher Workshop 9/14/13-9/15/13 Glacier National Park Steve Archibald
Wilderness Investigations Teacher Workshop 10/3/13-10/4/13 Boise, ID Steve Archibald
Wilderness Investigations Teacher Workshop 10/3/13-10/4/13 Boise, ID Steve Archibald
Interagency Wilderness Interpretation and Education Workshop 3/3/14-3/6/14 Shepherdstown, WV Steve Archibald
National Wilderness Leadership Course 6/23/14-6/27/14 Missoula, MT All
Unit Wilderness Workshops Variable, by request

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