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Hydrologic Information Provided by
the National Weather Service in Shreveport


Hydrologic Information from Surrounding
National Weather Service Offices

 Daily River and Reservoir Summaries - issued in the morning
Jackson | New Orleans | Lake Charles | Houston | Fort Worth | Tulsa | Little Rock
 Daily River and Reservoir Summaries (SHEF-encoded) - issued in the morning
Jackson | New Orleans | Lake Charles | Houston | Fort Worth | Tulsa | Little Rock
 Daily River Forecasts - issued in the morning
Jackson | New Orleans | Lake Charles | Houston | Fort Worth | Tulsa | Little Rock
 Current River Flood Warnings - issued when needed
Jackson | New Orleans | Lake Charles | Houston | Fort Worth | Tulsa | Little Rock
 Current River Flood Statements - issued when needed
Jackson | New Orleans | Lake Charles | Houston | Fort Worth | Tulsa | Little Rock
 Hydrologic Outlook - issued when needed
Jackson | New Orleans | Lake Charles | Houston | Fort Worth | Tulsa | Little Rock


Forecast Precipitation

Valid 0-24 Hours
Click here for forecast precipitation for the next 24 hours.
Valid 24-48 Hours
Click here for forecast precipitation from 24 to 48 hours out.
Valid 48-72 Hours
Click here for forecast precipitation from 48 to 72 hours out.
6-10 Day Outlook
Click here for the 6-10 day precipitation outlook.
8-14 Day Outlook
Click here for the 8-14 day precipitation outlook
1 Month Outlook
Click here for the 1 month precipitation outlook
3 Month Outlook
Click here for the 3 month precipitation outlook


River Forecast Centers Serving the
National Weather Service in Shreveport
Forecast Region is the U.S. government's official web portal to all federal, state and local government web resources and services.