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Become a CDA Professional Development Specialist

As part of the CDA 2.0 Credentialing System, coming in June 2013, Candidates will be assessed and mentored by CDA Professional Development Specialists.

To learn more, add your name and email address to the Council’s PD Specialist mailing list now.


Begin earning or renewing your CDA credential

Become someone special in a child’s life as they master skills, develop friendships, become more independent, and begin to discover new ways of thinking and understanding themselves and the world around them.

It all begins with a CDA credential.

Get Started

CDA 2.0 - The New CDA Process

The Council for Professional Recognition is proud to announce the arrival of CDA 2.0 on June 1, 2013.

The CDA 2.0 credentialing process will soon strengthen Candidates’ professional development experience while also streamlining it, making it easier for them to understand and navigate.

Learn More about CDA 2.0

The CDA Renewal Amnesty Program!

The Renewal Amnesty Program allows all who have earned or renewed a CDA in the last ten years to apply for Renewal, even if their CDA has expired. If your CDA has a credential date of January 2002 or later, you are eligible for Renewal Amnesty.

Learn how to Renew

New at the Council

Direct Assessment Application
Instructions and Checklist

The Renewal Amnesty Program

High school students eligible for CDA

CDA 2.0 Transition Guide available here



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