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Home > Missions > Civil Works > Recreation > Lake Seminole > Fishing > Fish Attractors

Fish Attractors

Three years ago, Woodruff-Seminole began a project utilizing live cut Christmas trees to create a natural underwater structure that could concentrate fish and increase angling success on the lake.  With the help of local residents and businesses participation, the project has grown tremendously. 

At the start of the project, roughly 140 trees were placed at our designated locations.  This past year, over 500 trees were collected!  Due to the success of 2010, we were able to add three more locations on the lake.  The trees are used to refurbish fish attractor locations in the lake and fishing piers at day use areas.  Along with providing cover and structure, these fish attractors also provide spawning habitat and an attachment surface for many fish organisms.

Currently, we have six fish attractor locations designated with floating buoys.  The buoys have a picture of a hook with a fish and the words "fish attractor". 

The location map and coordinates will give you pinpoint location for finding the attractors on Lake Seminole. The location map displays the general area for which the buoys are located on the lake.  For boaters using GPS to find the locations, WGS84 coordinate system was used.

BUOY 1 - N 30.71075, -W 084.87206

BUOY 2 - N 30.74917, -W 084.86951

BUOY 3 - N 30.78883, -W 084.81195

BUOY 4 - N 30.77444, -W 084.84117

BUOY 5 - N 30.74326, -W 084.85474

BUOY 6 - N 30.74429, -W 084.87166

*The fishing piers at Chattahoochee Park, Faceville Landing, and Rays Lake were used as fish attractors.  This was an effort to increase success of fishermen who enjoy fishing from the banks.  The location of these three parks can be found on our Lake Map.


Drop off dates for your live Christmas trees will be Dec 27 - Jan 7 (annual dates).  We ask before you drop your trees off, please remove all decorative items and materials from the trees.  Such things can be hazardous to the fish, boaters, and Lake Seminole.

There are four drop off locations.  Please be aware of signs to make sure the trees are placed in the designated spots within the recreation areas.

Sneads Park

Chattahoochee City Sports Complex

Spring Creek Park

Hales Landing Park

Please be sure to check the Lake Map for the park nearest you.  Chattahoochee City Sports Complex is located near park #2 Eastbank Campground in the yellow area.