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NARA Proposed Declassification Regulation

by Don on July 8, 2011

Date: July 8, 2011

In today’s Federal Register, NARA published a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Declassification of National Security Information. This proposed rule would update NARA’s regulations related to declassification of classified national security information in records transferred to NARA’s legal custody.  The rule incorporates changes resulting from issuance of Executive Order 13526, Classified National Security Information, and its Implementing Directive, 32 CFR Part 2001.  These changes include establishing procedures for the automatic declassification of records in NARA’s legal custody and revising requirements for reclassification of information to meet the provisions of E.O. 13526.  Executive Order 13526 also created the National Declassification Center (NDC) with a mission to align people, processes, and technologies to advance the declassification and public release of historically valuable permanent records while maintaining national security.  This rule will affect members of the public and Federal agencies.

We are soliciting public comment on this rule. The draft rule and information on the comment process can be found at The comment period closes September 6, 2011.




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