Strong Interest Inventory

One of the most widely used career assessments, the SII® measures your interests in a broad range of occupations, work activities, leisure activities, and school subjects.  The SII® is extremely helpful for people considering a career change, employees seeking more satisfying work, and for those who are exploring educational and career options.  Completing the SII, may help you

  • gain insight into your interests, preferences, and personal styles
  • identify occupations that you are most likely to find rewarding
  • compare your results with people like you who have already found satisfying careers.



In order to take this assessments, you must contact the TSA Career Coaching Service first.  Even if you obtained a password from a coworker, you must register with the Career Coaching Service and establish a unique client ID, or we may not be able to locate your results. All assessments and the Coaching services are free.

A TSA Career Coach will :

  • brief you on the assessments
  • discuss with you which assessment will meet your needs
  • provide you with access information to take the assessment online
  • help you to interpret the results.