Multinational Corps Northeast

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Commander's Welcome

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Dear Readers, 

It is my great pleasure to welcome you to the official website of the Multinational Corps Northeast. Following modern trends, I find this website an important medium of communicating our missions, goals and achievements to the wide public. Here, dear Readers, you may receive first-hand information on what we are currently involved in. 

Let me guide you through the world of the Multinational Corps Northeast which continuously, since 1999, has been built at the juncture of multinationalism, partnership and competency. This continuity is what I cherish most. 

I had a privilege to closely observe Multinational Corps Northeast as the Deputy Commander before stepping into the Commander’s post. Those couple of months gave me an opportunity to grasp the unique character of the Corps. Now, as the Commander of the Multinational Corps Northeast, I will pursue with  good practices which have made this Corps an exceptional place in NATO. 

One of key values is our multinational character which gives the Corps strength and more professional input and expertise along with new service members joining in. We have representatives from as many as twelve countries at the Corps but I hope to see more national flags fluttering in Baltic Barracks.

We will develop our high level of competency achieved through intensive training and hard work. We will keep ourselves busy training ourselves, training others, like for example during Crystal Eagle 13 exercise, and training with others. I find the partnership of forces and services in common training a necessity in the contemporary world and a fruitful source of know-how impossible to achieve elsewhere. 

Multinational Corps Northeast will not limit itself to draw on experiences from military entities only. On the contrary, we will keep developing our relations with civilian partners. Having been deeply rooted in the local environment, Multinational Corps Northeast will actively initiate new areas of cooperation serving as a bridge joining military and civilian competences and specialities.

Our strong attachment to the values of multinationalism, competence and partnership turns out to be especially important now as Multinational Corps Northeast is preparing for the third mission in Afghanistan in 2014 in the frame of the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF). I am convinced that the MNC NE team will mark its presence in Afghanistan with a highly professional approach.  

But Multinational Corps Northeast’s perspective is placed far beyond the upcoming deployment. Our common aim is to widen horizons, acquire new skills and provide exceptional service to NATO and our nations. As the Corps’ Commander, together with an outstanding team, we will keep Multinational Corps Northeast striving for more.   

With these words, I would like to invite you to be part of the Multinational Corps Northeast’s life and to visit the MNC NE website as often as possible.   

Major General Bogusław SAMOL, Polish Army
Commander Multinational Corps Northeast



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