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Clean Coal Power Initiative (CCPI)
Round 3 Solicitation

Update Posted 7/31/2009

CCPI-3 Second Closing  

DOE Issues Amended Funding Opportunity Announcement for Third Round of Clean Coal Power Initiative
Amended Announcement Solicits Applications for Carbon Capture and Sequestration, Incorporates Recovery Act Modifications

CCPI-3 (Initial Solicitation)

The Clean Coal Power Initiative (CCPI) Round 3 links:

NETL is seeking to partner with industry to demonstrate the next generation of technologies to capture and sequester, or put to beneficial reuse, carbon dioxide emissions from coal-fired power generation facilities.  The Clean Coal Power Initiative (CCPI) Round 3 Funding Opportunity Announcement has been released, which completely describes the requirements of this program. 

The CCPI Round 3 is seeking applications for advanced coal-based projects that have progressed beyond the research and development stage, to a point of readiness for operation at a scale that, once demonstrated, can be readily replicated and deployed into commercial practice within the electric power industry.

According to this Announcement, DOE's goals are to demonstrate, at commercial scale, in a commercial setting, technologies that make significant progress toward the overall goals of DOE's Carbon Storage Program. Coal-based power technologies may produce heat, fuels, chemicals, hydrogen, or other useful by-products in any combination with production of electricity.

This Web page will provide interested parties access to all pertinent information regarding CCPI Round 3 through links to important documents and other web pages.  Please visit this page periodically, as more information will be posted as it becomes available.