Energy, Climate, & Infrastructure Security (ECIS)
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SunShot Grand Challenge Summit and Technology Forum

SunShot: U.S. Department of EnergySandia will be a participant in the upcoming SunShot Grand Challenge Summit and Technology Forum. The SunShot Initiative is leading the first in a series of Energy Department Grand Challenges that address the scientific, technological, and market barriers to achieving breakthroughs in national energy challenges. The SunShot Grand Challenge Summit and Technology Forum will convene the best and brightest minds in government, industry, and academia to strengthen U.S. leadership in global clean energy. Secretary Chu, Harry Atwater (Director, EFRC on Light-Matter Interactions in Solar Energy Conversion), Richard Swanson (Founder, SunPower Corporation), and John Woodward (President/CEO, BrightSource Energy) are the scheduled Plenary speakers. The DOE will be holding this forum in Denver, Colorado, from June 13–14, 2012 at the Hyatt Regency.

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