About the Education Arcade
The Education Arcade explores games that promote learning through authentic and engaging play. TEA's research and development projects focus both on the learning that naturally occurs in popular commercial games, and on the design of games that more vigorously address the educational needs of players.
Two White Papers Released
THE EDUCATION ARCADE releases two white papers to guide the development and dissemination of educational games (and other technologies): Moving Learning Games Forward and Using the Technology of Today in the Classroom Today. These papers are part of TEA’s ongoing mission to establish games as important learning tools, crucial to the successful development of 21st century students of all ages.
Latest Post
The New York Times Magazine for September 19 has a lengthy article about New York City’s Quest to Learn school, an experimental public secondary school that organizes learning around games and other 21st century literacies. The school was founded by our colleague Katie Salen of the New School’s Parson School of Design. (Katie is one of the co-authors of the Ed Arcade’s Moving Learning Games Forward, available here.)