
Video North Korean Nuclear Test Turns Spotlight on Iran

Experts say there are indications two countries are helping each other on a variety of scientific endeavors More

Indonesian anti-terror policemen stand guard in the business district in Jakarta, September 11, 2011.

Indonesian Law Aims to Thwart Terror Funds

New law grants more power to authorities, but doesn't represent major shift in country's counterterrorism efforts More

People, many of them Tibetan exiles, hold candle light vigil in solidarity with Tibetans who have self-immolated, Katmandu, Nepal, Feb. 13, 2013.

Photogallery Tibetan Exiles Urge World to Press China Amid Self-Immolations

Appeal comes amid stepped up pace of self-immolations by Tibetans protesting Chinese rule More

India's Youth Keep Spotlight on Violence Against Women

Video India's Youth Keep Spotlight on Violence Against Women

Thousands of young people participate in mass dance protests as part of ongoing global campaign after gang-rape, murder of woman in New Delhi More

Soldiers arrive and take position near the site of a police station after it was attacked in Bannu, February 14, 2013.

Taliban Claims Responsibility for Pakistan Attacks

Roadside bomb targeted vehicle carrying members of anti-Taliban militia in country's northwest, killing 7 militiamen More

More Asia News

Video North Korean Nuclear Test Turns Spotlight on Iran

Experts say there are indications two countries are helping each other on a variety of scientific endeavors

Tibetan Monk Dies After Self-Immolating in Nepal

Latest self-immolation in Kathmandu was apparently timed to coincide with the important Tibetan New Year festival of Losar

Taliban Claims Responsibility for Pakistan Attacks

Roadside bomb targeted vehicle carrying members of anti-Taliban militia in country's northwest, killing 7 militiamen

South Korea Unveils New Guided Missile to Counter North

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Cambodia's $11 Billion Mystery

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Ten Afghan 'Civilians' Killed in NATO Airstrike

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Israel Struggles to Keep Spy Story Cloaked in Secrecy

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Video India's Youth Keep Spotlight on Violence Against Women

Demonstrations against women's violence have not quelled in India since the brutal gang-rape of a woman in the capital, New Delhi, nearly two months ago. Throughout India, thousands of young people are taking part in mass dance protests this Valentine's Day as part of a global campaign. VOA's Aru Pande has more from New Delhi.