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An official website of the United States Government.

Our Inspector General Management

The Office of Management provides resources management services, and technical and administrative support to the operations of the Office of the Inspector General (OIG). These functions include:

  • Contracting and procurement operations;
  • Human resource services such as personnel actions, support for hiring, promotions, within grade increases, benefits assistance, and other human capital guidance;
  • Information technology support, including maintaining the OIG LAN and remote networks, and laptops and other IT equipment; providing forensic IT support for the Office of Investigations; and protecting IT security;
  • Formulation and justification of the OIG budget and performance measures;
  • Debarment and suspension of health care providers in the FEHBP;
  • Facilities and space management; and
  • OIG Continuity of Operations (COOP) and contingency planning.