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News You Can Use:

  • Senate Office Building Access Read More »
  • VA Expands Medical Forms Program to Support Faster Claims Processing Read More »
  • Home Heating Equipment Rebate Program Read More »
  • Veterans With Active Duty Service Between 1957 and 2001 May Be Eligible for Increased Social Security Benefits Read More »
  • VA Posts Online List of Ships Associated with Presumptive Agent Orange Exposure Read More »
  • The Department of Veterans Affairs Expands Outreach to Women Veterans Read More »
  • Need help filing your taxes? Read More »
  • As part of the Affordable Care Act, small businesses may qualify for a tax credit to cover up to 35 percent of health expenses. Read More »
  • A new Medicare program may save you money on medical equipment and supplies Read More »
  • Newly -Expanded Adoption Tax Credit Read More »
  • PA Fair Care - Pennsylvania's health plan for uninsured adults with pre-existing conditions learn more »
  • Classes for Veterans Read More »
  • Military Spouse Career Advancement Accounts (MyCAA) Read More »

Bob’s Priorities

  • Jobs and the Economy

    Working to create family sustaining jobs and foster financial security for Pennsylvania families

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  • Health Care

    All people have a fundamental right to quality health care, particularly children for whom proper health care in the earliest years is so critical.

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  • Foreign Policy

    Working to ensure safety at home and respect for America abroad

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  • Energy and Environment

    I am committed to protecting the environment, preserving our national treasures, and safeguarding the health of our families.

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Services for Pennsylvanians

Regional Information

Please click on a region in the map of Pennsylvania above to read press releases for that region.