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Archived HQ Orders

List of all archived Headquarters Orders.

ID Title Description Type OPI Issue Date
DOE HQ N 251.1 DOE Directive DOE HQ N 251.1, Cancellation of Directive Cancels HQ O 3511.1, Position Classification, dated 6-6-86. HQ Order ME 2009100800:00:00 Oct 08, 2009
DOE HQ O 344.1 DOE Directive DOE HQ O 344.1, Parking Cancels DOE O 3900.1B of 5-18-1992 and HQ O 1400.2B of 6-4-1985. HQ Order HR 1997030500:00:00 Mar 05, 1997
DOE HQ O 344.1A DOE Directive DOE HQ O 344.1A, Parking To define policies and procedures governing the assignment, use, and management of parking spaces controlled by the Department of Energy (DOE)/National Nuclear ... HQ Order ME 2001110200:00:00 Nov 02, 2001
DOE HQ O 442.1 DOE Directive DOE HQ O 442.1, Headquarters Occupational Safety and Health Program To implement the Occupational Safety and Health Program for Department of Energy (DOE) Headquarters employees as an element of the DOE Integrated Safety Managem... HQ Order MA - Office of Management 2001110300:00:00 Nov 03, 2001
DOE HQ O 580.1 DOE Directive DOE HQ O 580.1, Government Personal Property Asset Management Establishes procedures for managing Government personal property owned or leased by and in the custody of Department of Energy (DOE) Headquarters employees. Can... HQ Order HR 1998051100:00:00 May 11, 1998
DOE HQ O 580.1A DOE Directive DOE HQ O 580.1A, Government Personal Property Asset Management To establish procedures for managing Government personal owned or leased by the Department of Energy (DOE) and in the custody of DOE Headquarters employees, inc... HQ Order ME 2001092300:00:00 Sep 23, 2001
DOE HQ O 580.1B DOE Directive DOE HQ O 580.1B, Headquarters Personal Property Management To establish procedures for managing Government personal property owned or leased by the Department of Energy and in the custody of DOE Headquarters employees, ... HQ Order ME 2004102500:00:00 Oct 25, 2004
DOE HQ O 580.1C DOE Directive DOE HQ O 580.1C, Headquarters Personal Property Asset Management To establish procedures for managing Government personal property owned or leased by the Department of Energy and in the custody of DOE Headquarters employees, ... HQ Order MA - Office of Management 2005092600:00:00 Sep 26, 2005
DOE HQ O 580.1 Chg 1 DOE Directive DOE HQ O 580.1 Chg 1, Personal Property Asset Management HQ Order MA - Office of Management 1999082300:00:00 Aug 23, 1999
DOE HQ O 1130.2 DOE Directive DOE HQ O 1130.2, Establishment of Fuel Technology Review Committee Canceled by DOE N 251.20 12-5-1996. HQ Order RG 1980111400:00:00 Nov 14, 1980
DOE HQ O 1321.1 DOE Directive DOE HQ O 1321.1, Civilian Radioactive Waste Management Facilities HQ Order RM 1993122200:00:00 Dec 22, 1993
DOE HQ O 1324.1A DOE Directive DOE HQ O 1324.1A, Records Management Canceled by DOE N 251.70. Cancels HQ 1324.1. HQ Order MA - Office of Management 2009100800:00:00 Oct 08, 2009
DOE HQ O 1325.1 DOE Directive DOE HQ O 1325.1, Action Coordination and Tracking System Cancels IMD 0504. Canceled by DOE N 251.35. HQ Order MA - Office of Management 1979073000:00:00 Jul 30, 1979
DOE HQ O 1400.1 DOE Directive DOE HQ O 1400.1, Personal Property and Supply Management Canceled by HQ 1400.2A. HQ Order MA - Office of Management 1980123000:00:00 Dec 30, 1980
DOE HQ O 1400.2B DOE Directive DOE HQ O 1400.2B, Parking Management Cancels HQ 1400.2A. Canceled by HQ O 344.1 of 3-5-1997. HQ Order MA - Office of Management 1985060400:00:00 Jun 04, 1985
DOE HQ O 2100.2 DOE Directive DOE HQ O 2100.2, Low-Level Radioactive Waste Surcharge Escrow Account Canceled by DOE N 251.27 2-3-1998. HQ Order MA - Office of Management 1987041500:00:00 Apr 15, 1987
DOE HQ O 3293.1 DOE Directive DOE HQ O 3293.1, Personnel Records Canceled by DOE N 251.39. HQ Order MA - Office of Management 1984011800:00:00 Jan 18, 1984
DOE HQ O 3430.1 DOE Directive DOE HQ O 3430.1, Headquarters Performance Appraisal Plan Canceled by DOE N 251.39. HQ Order MA - Office of Management 1984062100:00:00 Jun 21, 1984
DOE HQ O 3511.1 DOE Directive DOE HQ O 3511.1, Position Classification HQ Order MA - Office of Management 1986060600:00:00 Jun 06, 1986
DOE HQ O 3600.1B DOE Directive DOE HQ O 3600.1B, Emergency and Hazardous Weather Dismissals Cancels HQ O 3600.1A. HQ Order MA - Office of Management 1984020700:00:00 Feb 07, 1984
DOE HQ O 3710.1 DOE Directive DOE HQ O 3710.1, Labor-Management Relations Program Canceled by DOE N 251.26 1-9-1998. HQ Order MA - Office of Management 1983071800:00:00 Jul 18, 1983
DOE HQ O 3790.1 DOE Directive DOE HQ O 3790.1, Occupational Health Program Canceled by DOE N 251.39. HQ Order MA - Office of Management 1983042900:00:00 Apr 29, 1983
DOE HQ O 3790.2A DOE Directive DOE HQ O 3790.2A, Headquarters Occupational Safety and Health Program Cancels HQ O 3790.2. HQ Order MA - Office of Management 1987031300:00:00 Mar 13, 1987
DOE HQ O 3792.1 DOE Directive DOE HQ O 3792.1, Employee Assistance Program Canceled by DOE N 251.39. HQ Order MA - Office of Management 1984072300:00:00 Jul 23, 1984
DOE HQ O 5632.1 DOE Directive DOE HQ O 5632.1, Forrestal Security and Safety Procedures Canceled by DOE N 251.11. HQ Order DP 1983020200:00:00 Feb 02, 1983
DOE HQ O 5632.2 Chg 1 DOE Directive DOE HQ O 5632.2 Chg 1, Search and Access Control Procedures for Headquarters Facilities Page change, 8-11-89. Canceled by DOE N 251.11. HQ Order DP 1988021800:00:00 Feb 18, 1988
DOE HQ O 5636.1 DOE Directive DOE HQ O 5636.1, Security Requirements for Classified Automatic Data Processing Systems Canceled by DOE N 251.9. HQ Order SA 1985071000:00:00 Jul 10, 1985
DOE HQ O 3300.1 DOE Directive DOE HQ O 3300.1, Details, Temporary and Term Promotions Canceled by DOE N 251.100 HQ Order HC - Office of Human Capital Management 1983112100:00:00 Nov 21, 1983
DOE HQ O 3335.1 DOE Directive DOE HQ O 3335.1, Merit Promotion Plan Canceled by DOE N 251.100 HQ Order HC - Office of Human Capital Management 1987031300:00:00 Mar 13, 1987
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DOE Mission Statement

The mission of the Department of Energy is to assure America’s security and prosperity by addressing its energy, environmental and nuclear challenges through transformative science and technology solutions.

Available online, the DOE Corporate Overview - 2012


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