5. Identifying Cyber Security Requirements for Classified Systems

Management System: Safeguards, Security, and Emergency Management

Subject Area: Cyber Security

Procedure 5. Identifying Cyber Security Requirements for Classified Systems

Subject Matter Expert: WALTER DYKAS
Management System Owner: EARL HICKS
Secondary Management System Owner: THOMAS GRADLE, JOHN MEDLOCK

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Issue Date:  04/05/2011
SCMS Revision:  2.5

1.0 Applicability

This information applies to all Office of Science (SC) Facilities Staff that assumes the roles and responsibilities for implementing the requirements in the SC Cyber Security Requirements for Classified Systems document and the SC National Security Systems (NSS) Program Cyber Security Plan (PCSP) Implementation Manual.

2.0 Required Procedure

Step 1

The SC Under Secretary, SC Director, SC Deputy Director for Field Operations, Associate Director for Safety, Security and Infrastructure (or his designee), Laboratory Directors, SC Supervisors, and Designated Approving Authority for the information system follow the Federal Information Security management Act (FISMA) implementation project model, determines the information group of the systems, and requires the control to assure the security of the information systems.

NOTE:  The approach is comprised of those activities that are specifically required within the FISMA framework and detailed in SC National Security Standards and guidance.

Step 2

The Information System Owner collects system data that includes:

  • The information groups being processed, stored, or transmitted,

  • Who owns the systems,

  • The physical location of the servers, and

  • End user devices.

NOTE:  The highest information group processed, stored, or transmitted determines the Protection Level (PL) for the system (see the SC NSS Manual, included in the SC PCSP).

Step 3

Senior DOE Management, SC, Information Systems Security Manager (ISSM), and/or the Information System Owner, review the required controls to determine if the information group needs additional controls due to Consequence of Loss (CoL) resulting from Integrity or Availability.

NOTE:  Sites have the flexibility to tailor the security controls to a more stringent protection level in accordance with the CoL determination. The entirety of this effort is documented in the site Master System Security Plan (SSP).

Step 4

The Information System Owner generates a set of documents consistent with National Information Assurance Certification and Accreditation Process (NIACAP) and the SC NSS manual .

NOTE:  This set includes a threat statement, risk assessment, Master SSP, SP for the various types of systems (standalone, isolated network etc) at the site, contingency plans, etc.

Step 5

The Information System Owner develops a Security, Test and Evaluation (ST&E) plan and tests the controls to ensure that everything functions as specified.

Step 6

The Certification Agent, or as designated by the Designated Approving Authority (DAA), documents the results of the ST&E along with all the previous documents, compiles into a signed certification document by the certifying official, and provides to the DAA.

NOTE:  The DAA must be a senior level employee of the United States Government; hold a United States Government security clearance with access approval corresponding with the level of information processed by the systems; and understand the operational need for the system(s) in question and the operational consequences of not operating the system(s). The SC DAAs are the Federal Integrated Support Center or Site Office Managers and the Senior Information Officer for Headquarters.

Step 7

The DAA accepts which risks have been mitigated by the implementation of controls and the remaining residual risks that are being mitigated and tracked in the Plan of Actions and Milestones (POA&M) process.

Step 8 If the POA&M items are not met in a timely manner, the DAA may choose to withdraw the ATO at anytime.
Step 9 The DAA then makes a decision concerning whether or not the system is allowed to operate under these conditions and issues or refuses to issue a full Authority to Operate (ATO).

3.0 References

This is the online OFFICIAL SCMS COPY of this file. Before using a printed copy, verify that it is the most current version by checking the Last Major Revision and Last Minor Revision dates (at the bottom of each document) on the SCMS Web site.

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Last Major SCMS Revision: 11/05/2009