1. Managing A Classified Matter Protection and Control (CMPC) Program

Management System: Safeguards, Security, and Emergency Management

Subject Area: Facility Operations

Procedure 1. Managing A Classified Matter Protection and Control (CMPC) Program

Subject Matter Expert: LINDA EBLE
Management System Owner: EARL HICKS
Secondary Management System Owner: THOMAS GRADLE, JOHN MEDLOCK

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Issue Date:  06/24/2011
SCMS Revision:  2.0

1.0  Applicability

This procedure applies to all U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science (SC) Federal staff with responsibility for implementing and overseeing a DOE Classified Matter Protection and Control (CMPC) Program.

2.0  Required Procedure

This procedure identifies the steps for processing appointments of CMPC Points of Contact (POCs) at DOE SC contractor facilities; reviewing, revising, and approving locally-developed SC Field Element CMPC procedures and training/briefing materials, and approving SC contractor CMPC procedures and training/briefing materials. The CMPC Program establishes security requirements for the protection and control of information and matter that is required to be classified or controlled by statutes, regulations or DOE Directives. This includes classified matter that is generated, received, transmitted, used, stored, reproduced, or destroyed.

For Appointing SC Contractor CMPC POCs, go to Step 1.

For Reviewing, Revising, and Approving SC Field Element CMPC Procedures and/or Training/Briefing Materials, go to Step 3.

For Approving SC Contractor CMPC Procedures and/or Training/Briefing Materials, go to Step 9.

Appointing SC Contractor CMPC POCs
Step 1 The DOE SC Field Element CMPC POC receives CMPC POC appointment documentation from SC Contractor facilities. Appointment documentation can be informal (i.e., email) or formal (i.e., letter from the SC Contractor’s Security Manager). Changes to Contractor CMPC POC’s are received in the same manner.
Step 2 The DOE SC Field Element CMPC POC updates CMPC POC listing.
Reviewing, Revising, and Approving SC Field Element CMPC Procedures and/or Training/Briefing Materials
Step 3

On an annual basis, the SC Field Element CMPC POC performs a review of the Information Security Order/Manual to identify changes in requirements.

Step 4

The SC Field Element CMPC POC makes any necessary changes to locally-developed CMPC procedures and training/briefing materials.

Step 5

The SC Field Element CMPC POC submits the changes to the DOE Cognizant Security Authority (CSA) for approval.

Step 6
  1. If the changes are not approved, the SC Field Element CMPC POC makes revisions and resubmits to the DOE CSA for approval.

  2. If the changes are approved, the SC Field Element CMPC POC posts the revised CMPC procedures and training/briefing materials on locally-developed web sites/networks and conducts performance tests to ensure changes have been incorporated and associated links are working.

Step 7 The SC Field Element CMPC POC distributes a transmittal memorandum (e.g., DOECAST) to Federal and direct support contractor personnel notifying them of implementation.
Step 8

The SC Field Element CMPC POC maintains a hard copy of the revised CMPC procedures and training/briefing materials.

Approving SC Contractor CMPC Procedures and/or Training/Briefing Materials
Step 9 Upon receipt, the SC Field Element CMPC POC reviews SC Contractor CMPC procedures and/or training/briefing materials.
Step 10
  1. If there are no comments, the SC Field Element CMPC POC prepares a letter of approval for the DOE CSA’s signature and it is transmitted to the SC Contractor’s Security Manager.

  2. If there are comments, the SC Field Element CMPC POC coordinates the comments with the SC Contractor CMPC POC for resubmission and approval. Substantial comments are routed back through the DOE CSA for signature and transmission to the SC Contractor’s Security Manager.

3.0  References

This is the online OFFICIAL SCMS COPY of this file. Before using a printed copy, verify that it is the most current version by checking the Last Major Revision and Last Minor Revision dates (at the bottom of each document) on the SCMS Web site.

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Filename: \ORBIT\OrbitSearch\SubjArea\FO\FO_Pro1.cfm
Last Major SCMS Revision: 03/31/2008