3. Evaluating Proposals for Service Contracts

Management System: Non-Management and Operating (Non-M&O) Contracting

Subject Area: Service Contracting

Procedure 3. Evaluating Proposals for Service Contracts

Subject Matter Expert: BEVERLY HARNESS
Management System Owner: SUSAN BORTHWICK
Secondary Management System Owner: DENNIS WILSON

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Issue Date:  09/28/2012
SCMS Revision:  2.1

1.0  Applicability

This procedure applies to Contract Specialists (CSs), Contracting Officers (COs), the Source Evaluation Board (SEB), and the Small Business Program Managers. After the solicitation has been released and offerors have submitted proposals, the proposals need to be evaluated consistently with the stated criteria and the Rating Plan.

2.0  Required Procedure

Step 1 The CS checks proposals for completeness and compliance.
Step 2 The CS distributes copies of technical proposals to voting members and Specialty Advisors.
Step 3 The CS distributes copies of cost proposal to financial reviewers for assessment of financial responsibility and accuracy.
Step 4 The SEB voting members independently review technical proposals to develop narratives (strengths, weaknesses, deficiencies, and possible clarifications) in accordance with the Rating Plan.
Step 5 The CS, CO, and the SEB voting members review special non-cost advisors' reports or recommendations.
Step 6 The SEB voting members develop technical consensus scores and narratives in accordance with the Rating Plan.
Step 7 The CS, CO, and the SEB Chairperson obtain approvals from Legal Advisor on consensus scores and narratives.
Step 8 The CS and the CO distribute copies of cost proposals to the SEB voting members and Specialty Advisors to review in accordance with the Rating Plan.
Step 9 The CS, CO, and the SEB voting members receive a briefing from cost advisors/financial reviewers on accuracy.
Step 10 The SEB voting members review cost proposals to develop technical evaluation of cost realism and consistency with technical proposals.
Step 11 The CS and the CO provide cost advisors technical evaluation of cost with any recommended cost realism adjustments and obtain final cost report from cost advisors.
Step 12 The CS, CO, and the SEB voting members discuss completed reviews to determine if award can be made without discussions or competitive range needs to be established so discussions can be held.
Step 13 The CS, CO, and the SEB Chairperson completes the Evaluation Report.
Step 14 The CS, CO and the SEB Chairperson obtain approvals of the SEB, CO, and Legal Advisor on the Evaluation Report.
Step 15 The CS, CO and the appropriate members of the SEB brief Source Selection Authority (SSA).
Step 16 The CS, CO, and the SEB Chairperson obtain SSA approval of path forward (competitive range or award).
  • If award, the CS, CO, and the SEB Chairperson obtain an approved Source Selection Statement. Go to Step 17.

  • If competitive range, the CS, CO, and the SEB Chairperson:

    1. Notify all offerors that a competitive range has been established to include the status of their own offer.

    2. Offer pre-award or post-award debriefings to offerors not in competitive range.

    3. Conduct exchanges with offerors in competitive range and request revised proposals.

    4. Return to Step 1.

Step 17 The CS proceeds to Procedure 4, Awarding Service Contracts.

3.0  References

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Filename: \ORBIT\OrbitSearch\SubjArea\SC\SC_Pro3.cfm
Last Major SCMS Revision: 03/11/2011