Master Basic Ordering Agreement (BOA)

Management System: Non-Management and Operating (Non-M&O) Contracting

Subject Area: Master Basic Ordering Agreement (BOA)

Point of Contact: KAY BROWN
Management System Owner: SUSAN BORTHWICK
Secondary Management System Owner:     DENNIS WILSON

SCMS Home Page | Revision History | Subject Area Definitions

Issue Date:  09/27/2012
SCMS Revision:  1.2

1.0 Introduction

A Basic Ordering Agreement (BOA) is a written instrument of understanding that contains terms and clauses, a general description of services or supplies to be provided, and methods for pricing, issuing, and delivering future orders under the BOA. A master BOA is an agreement set up by a specific agency for other government procurement professionals and authorized contractors to use. See FAR 16.7, Agreements.

2.0 Contents


Procedure Content

1. Planning for Master Basic Ordering Agreement (BOA) Awards


2. Soliciting for Master Basic Ordering Agreements (BOA)


  • Prepare prequalifications for firms.
  • Prepare Request for Proposal (RFP) and obtain appropriate approvals.
  • Advertise, update, post, and issue amendments to the proposed action on the STRIPES to FedConnect Web site.
  • Respond to questions.

3. Evaluating Proposals for Master Basic Ordering Agreements (BOA)


  • Check proposals for completeness and compliance.
  • Document file with selection of firm and qualifications.
  • Verify debarment status.

4. Awarding Master Basic Ordering Agreements (BOA)


  • Issue Master BOA to qualified firm(s).
  • Issue a delegation memorandum to the Contracting Officer’s Representative (COR) and Alternate COR.
  • Finalize contract file documentation and obtain approval.
  • Add contractor to BOA holders list on appropriate Web site.

3.0 Exhibits/Forms

4.0 Related Information

5.0 Requirements

Document Title Requirement Decision Record
48 CFR 3.104

Procurement Integrity


DEAR 908

Required Sources Of Supplies And Services


DEAR 911

Describing Agency Needs


DEAR 912

Acquisition Of Commercial Items


DEAR 919

Small Business Programs


DEAR 942

Contract Administration


DOE O 541.1B

Appointment Of Contracting Officers And Contracting Officer Representatives



Acquisition Planning



Required Sources Of Supplies And Services


FAR 15

Contracting By Negotiation


FAR 43

Contract Modifications


6.0 Definitions


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Filename: /OrbitSearch/SubjArea/MBOA/MBOA_SA.cfm
Last Major SCMS Revision: 03/26/2008