Rule Enforcement Expectations

Management System: Environment, Safety, and Health

Subject Area: Environment, Safety, and Health (ES&H) Oversight of Contractors

Exhibit 4: Rule Enforcement Expectations

Issue Date:  05/11/2012
SCMS Revision:  3.1

  1. APPLICABILITY. This document describes the expectations for U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science (SC) Headquarters (HQ) and Field Office Managers and Enforcement Coordinators of the DOE Rule Enforcement Program.


  1. SC Headquarters and Field Office Manager Expectations
  1. If SC Manager who oversees contractors subject to rule enforcement, appoints an Enforcement Coordinator.

  2. Participates in any DOE Headquarters (HQ) Office of Enforcement (OE) investigations, inspections, enforcement conferences, and program reviews.

  3. Informs his or her management of all potential enforcement issues.

  4. In those situations where it has been established that the contractor will be penalized, the SC HQ and Field Office Manager, in consultation with OE, will determine if the penalty will come from fee reduction or a fine levied by OE.

  1. SC Enforcement Coordinator Expectations

  1. Maintains awareness of the contractor's Enforcement Program and noncompliance issues and communicates with the SC Field Office Manager.

  2. Ensures that contractor implements processes to evaluate and report noncompliances.

  3. Reviews and evaluates evidence packages to ensure issue has been corrected and resolved to prevent reoccurrence and documents recommendation for closure in the DOE HQ Noncompliance Tracking System (NTS).

  4. Serves as the liaison to communicate any issues of contractor noncompliance to the OE Point of Contact and to coordinate requests for information.

  5. Coordinates and participates in any OE investigations, inspections, enforcement conferences, and program reviews.


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Last Major SCMS Revision: 05/13/2011