Requirements Decision Record (RDR)
Implementation Flow-Chart

P.L. 99-499
(Link not available)
Environment, Safety, and Health
Owner: PATRICK SMITH (17265)

Parsed Unit Owner
Unit Description: All

Environment, Safety, and Health

Environment, Safety, and Health (ES&H) Oversight of Contractors
Managing SC Functions, Responsibilities, and Authorities Documents
Managing the Integrated Safety Management System

Policies, Procedures & Other
{ No Policies Identified }
1. Reviewing and Approving Nuclear Facility Safety Basis Documentation (FSA-P1)
2. Implementing and Continually Improving the SC Integrated Safety Management Program (ISM-P2)
4. Implementing and Continually Improving the Field Office Integrated Safety Management Program (ISM-P4)
3. Reviewing and Approving Contractor's Unreviewed Safety Question (USQ) Process and Processing Potential Inadequacies of the Document Safety Analysis (PISA) (FSA-P3)
8. Conducting the Integrated Safety Management System Declaration of Contractor Performance (ISM-P8)
{ No Training Identified }