2. Coordinating Media Outreach and Interactions

Management System: Communications and Public Affairs

Subject Area: Media Relations and Public Communications

Procedure 2. Coordinating Media Outreach and Interactions

Subject Matter Expert: DOLLINE HATCHETT
Management System Owner: JOHN SHEWAIRY
Secondary Management System Owner: BRIAN QUIRKE

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Issue Date:  03/27/2012
SCMS Revision:  2.2

1.0  Applicability

This procedure pertains to all Office of Science (SC) employees, who may be planning an activity which might be of interest to people outside the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), particularly the Director, SC Office of Communications and Public Affairs (SC‑44.4); SC Integrated Support Center (ISC) Public Affairs Representatives; SC Site Office Public Affairs Staff; and the SC ISC or SC Site Office Supporting Public Affairs Officer (SPAO) (hereafter referred to as "SPAO").

2.0  Required Procedure

Step 1

When SC program or line management officials are planning an action that has a reasonable potential to prompt media inquiries, or that has a potential to further the SC goals through communication of its activities, they should contact their SPAO.

NOTE: Examples of these types of activities include, but are not limited to, the release of an important contract; a major new program activity; a report critical of some area of DOE or its contractors; and the release of environmental documents.

Step 2

The SPAO in concert with the SC program or line management official prepares a strategy for announcing/explaining the program. The primary tools are:

Step 3 The SPAO coordinates with other parties (SC Management, DOE Management, other sections of the DOE, contractors, community groups, other Federal or Government agencies, etc.) to ensure the strategy is acceptable to all parties involved.
Step 4 The SPAO will then execute the plan in concert with the identified players.
Step 5 The SPAO will inform those appropriate (i.e., line management, SC‑44.4, PA‑1, DOE HQ Program Office, laboratory colleagues, SC ISC Management) about the outcome of the media interaction.
Step 6 The SPAO will monitor the media to capture the story and then distribute it to those appropriate (i.e., SC‑44.4, PA‑1, DOE HQ Program Office, laboratory colleagues, SC ISC Management).

3.0  References


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Last Major SCMS Revision: 04/12/2010