Argonne National Laboratory

Users Week 2010
May 3-5, 2010

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Poster Abstract Submission

Poster abstracts are solicited in all areas of research related to current synchrotron, nanoscience, and electron microscopy techniques. The poster session will be held Monday afternoon, May 3, 2010, in the Experiment Hall (sector location TBD). Abstracts received by APRIL 12 (deadline extended from April 5) will be included in the program book, provided a contributor's publication release is received.

Note: Workshop abstracts should be submitted directly to the workshop organizer(s).

Student Poster Opportunities: Prize, Invited Talk

The Users Meeting offers two great opportunities for students to gain special recognition for their work at Argonne user facilities.

1. Invited talk (including free registration and banquet ticket): Students may choose to have their poster abstract considered for conversion to an invited 20-minute talk during an appropriate plenary session. Winners may present a poster in addition to the talk, if they wish, but they will not be eligible for poster prizes. Candidates are asked to send a CV to Connie Vanni ( by April 5.

2. Poster prize: All student posters (except those selected for talks) will be considered for $100 cash prizes. Winners will be recognized at an appropriate session during the meeting. We expect to award 3 prizes.





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