Argonne National Laboratory

Users Week 2008
May 4-8, 2008

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- April 4: poster abstracts
- April 11: non-U.S. registration
- April 18: housing
- April 25: registration


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Users Week 2008
May 4 - 8, 2008

Advanced Photon Source - Center for Nanoscale Materials - Electron Microscopy Center

This year's meeting features three science sessions, nine full-day workshops, two half-day workshops, facility tours--and the world premiere of a play about the intersection of science and art. Regular registration is $250; the student fee is $50. Special opportunities for students include poster prizes and a competition to present a science session talk. Please note the poster deadline, March 31: We may have space limitations this year, so timely submission of abstracts is important. And don't miss the banquet! This year we visit the spectacular Shedd Aquarium on Chicago's lakefront.

Key Dates

  • Exhibitor registration - now open (to be included in mailings, please write to
  • Franklin award nominations - March 28
  • Registration opens - mid February
  • Poster abstracts due - April 4
  • Registration for non-U.S. citizens without access badge - April 11
  • Housing reservations (meeting rate) - April 18
  • Registration for all others (without late fee) - April 25


Sponsors & Exhibitors


  • ACCEL Instruments GmbH
  • Advanced Photon Source
  • Advanced Photon Source Users Organization
  • American Crystallographic Association
  • Argonne National Laboratory
  • Bruker AXS Inc.
  • Consortium for Advanced Radiation Sources, The University of Chicago
  • Guam Incorporated
  • Huber and Blake Industries, Inc.
  • Industrial Macromolecular Crystallography Association (IMCA-CAT)
  • International Union of Crystallography
  • Janet Smith on behalf of GM/CA-CAT
  • Merck Research Institute
  • Minarik Corporation
  • Princeton Instruments
  • SGX Pharmaceuticals (SGX-CAT)
  • Tom Irving on behalf of Bio-CAT
  • Varian, Inc.

Sponsorship opportunities available!



  • Diffraction Studies of Structural and Mechanical Properties
  • Emergent States at Interfaces of Complex Oxides
  • In-situ Surface Science: Growth and Properties of New Materials (half day)
  • Nanoscale Heterostructures
  • Nanoscale phenomena near phase transitions
  • SAXS and SANS Applications in Nano Materials and Nano Biology
  • Scattering and Spectroscopic Studies of Materials in High Magnetic Fields
  • Scientific Advances in Inelastic X-Ray Scattering
  • Scientific Applications of Nuclear Resonant Scattering
  • Software for Challenging Cases in Macromolecular Crystallography
  • Synchrotron Radiation in Pharmaceutical Science: Freeze Drying and Other Applications (half day)

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