Outdoor Solid State Lighting Technology Deployment

Screen shot of the video on solid state lighting market transformation.

Orchestrating SSL Market Success
View a video on solid state lighting market transformation presented at the July 2011 DOE SSL Market Introduction Workshop.

FEMP encourages Federal agencies to accelerate evaluation and deployment of outdoor solid state lighting (SSL) technologies, which can deliver 50% energy savings or up to 75% when paired with controls.

This initiative provides the resources needed to help avoid widespread misinformation and make good decisions resulting in cost-effective technology deployment that delivers quality lighting and reliable energy savings. These resources are organized across the following topics:

A FEMP Outdoor SSL Initiative fact sheet is also available, outlining information and resources for outdoor solid state lighting applications.

DOE held a webinar on the L Prize-winning LED A19 replacement covering what building owners and operators can expect from the product. The webinar is available on demand, along with a list of questions and answers from the presentation.