Argonne National Laboratory

Users Week 2010
May 3-5, 2010

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Please join us at the Argonne Guest House to celebrate our own “Field of Dreams” at a banquet  showcasing that field on June 4, 1990,  and those who believed that “if you build it, they will come.”

 And come they have!  In the 20 years since groundbreaking, more than 12,000 users have based all or part of their research on the APS and its capabilities.  Who were the first 20 users?  Who received the first 20 user badges?  Who published the first papers?  Who were the first Division Directors and Group Leaders?  Find out this and more as you enjoy good food, “ground-breaking” and other beverages, and fellowship at the Argonne Guest House--transformed into our “Field of Dreams.”

Argonne Guest House
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
tickets $25/person









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