Argonne National Laboratory

Users Week 2010
May 3-5, 2010

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Workshop 6
Actinide Research at the APS: Successes and Prospects

May 5
Building 401, Room A1100
1:00 pm – 5:20 pm

Organizers: Jim Tobin (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), and Mark Antonio (Argonne National Laboratory)

The actinide elements are unique in many respects, from their fundamental, practical, theoretical, and environmental concerns to their impact on the worldwide energy economy. As such, actinide materials pose extreme challenges to the scientific community in terms of their chemistry, composition, and characterization. For example, their complex electronic structures result in many unusual properties that even today are not well understood, if at all. In this regard, the availability of synchrotron radiation has revolutionized actinide chemistry and materials research. The focus of this workshop will be basic actinide science and its role in resolving technical challenges posed by actinide materials. Both fundamental and applied experimental approaches, as well as theoretical modeling and computational simulations, will be part of the workshop.

Experimental results gathered at synchrotron radiation sources, both national—with highlights of activities at the APS—and international facilities, on a deep and broad selection of actinide systems will be discussed. Particular emphasis will be placed upon projecting the needs for the next generation of cutting-edge experiments with actinide elements. Issues associated with the nuclear fuel cycle, ranging from fuel development to waste disposal, particularly as it relates to environmental remediation, will be of special significance.

The organizers gratefully acknowledge sponsorship from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.


Abstracts linked if text and permission received.

13.00 – 13.05 M. Antonio and J. Tobin
Introductory remarks
13.05 – 13.35 G. Seidler (Univ. of Washington)
"'Standardizing' Novel Actinide X-ray Spectroscopies: A Path to a More Complete Characterization of Actinide Local Electronic Structure and Chemical Bonding at the APS"
13.35 – 14.05 R. C. Ewing (Univ. of Michigan)
"Actinide Materials under Extreme Conditions" [abstract]
14.05 – 14.35 J. Fortner (Argonne National Laboratory)
"Nuclear Fuels and Related Materials" [abstract]
14.35 – 15.05 H. Cynn (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
"Phase Identification of Actinides and their Compounds using X-ray Diffraction at High Pressures and High Temperatures"
15.05 – 15.20 Coffee Break
15.20 – 15.50 S. Vogt (Argonne National Laboratory)
"Imaging Actinides at the APS: Current and Future Possibilities" [abstract]
15.50 – 16.20 C. Hennig (Forschungszentrum Dresden Rossendorf)
"Actinide Redox Speciation and Structure Analysis in Aqueous and Nonaqueous Solutions"
16.20 – 16.50 J. Catalano (Washington University)
"Application of Surface X-ray Scattering to the Study of Actinide Chemistry at Environmental Interfaces"
16.50 – 17.20 L. Soderholm (Argonne National Laboratory)
"Determining Free Energies of Metal Complexes in Solution using X-ray Scattering" [abstract]






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