Argonne National Laboratory

Users Week 2010
May 3-5, 2010

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Workshop 1
Application of Advanced X-ray Techniques to Industrial Research

May 5
Bldg. 402, Lecture Hall
8:50 am – 12:00 pm
1:30 pm – 4:30 pm

Organizers: Steve Heald, Dean Haeffner, Jin Wang, Randall Winans (APS)

Synchrotron methods have long been applied to industrial problems. Foremost among these have been standard diffraction and XAFS methods. In recent years a number of more advanced methods have been developed that could have application to industrial problems. These include high speed imaging, x-ray Raman and other advanced spectroscopies, and new techniques using high energy x-rays. Such methods can be applied to such diverse problems as in-situ studies of batteries and catalysts, advanced materials for energy applications, and imaging of fuel sprays in internal combustion engines. These capabilities may not be as widely appreciated in the industrial community as the more standard techniques. This workshop will survey the current and future applications of some of these newer techniques. It will also look at how the APS upgrade could enhance opportunities for industrial research.


Abstracts linked if text and permission received.

8:50 – 9:00

Steve Heald (APS, Argonne National Laboratory)
Introductions and logistics

9:00 – 9:15

Dennis Mills (APS, Argonne National Laboratory)
"Introduction to Industrial Research at the APS"

9:15 – 9:45

Shelly Kelly (EXAFS Analysis)
"Resonant XES Measurements of Co-Containing Catalysts" [abstract]

9:45 – 10:15

Douglas K. McCarty (Chevron ETC)
"The Defective Structure of Excess-Ca Dolomite" [abstract]

10:15 – 10:30

Coffee Break

10:30 – 11:00

Angus Wilkinson (Georgia Institute of Technology)
"Real Time X-ray Diffraction Studies of Oil Well Cement Hydration under Down Hole Conditions"

11:00 – 11:30

Brian Landes (Dow)
"In-situ and Time Resolved X-ray Scattering Studies:  Bridging Molecular Architecture and Material Performance"

11:30 – 12:00

Joseph Ziegelbauer (General Motors Company)
"Synchrotron-based Fuel Cell Research at General Motors" [abstract]

12:00 – 1:30


1:30 – 2:00

Conal Murray (IBM Watson Research Center)
"Peering under the Hood: Investigating Next-generation Microelectronic Materials" [abstract]

2:00 – 2:30

Gaurav Jain (Medtronic, Inc.)
"Building Batteries with Extended Longevity for Implantable Medical Devices" [abstract]

2:30 – 3:00

Yan Gao (GE)
"Application of Synchrotron Techniques to Materials Research at GE Global Research"

3:00 – 3:15

Coffee Break

3:15 – 3:45

Scott Parrish (General Motors Company)
"Application of Optical Diagnostics for Spray Characterization" [abstract]

3:45 – 4:15

Trudy Bolin (APS, Argonne National Laboratory)
"S-XANES Analysis of Sulfur Forms in Coals and Kerogens"

4:15 – 4:30

Susan Strasser (APS, Argonne National Laboratory)
"Access to the APS: General User Proposals, Rapid Access, Mail-in Powder Diffraction, and Proprietary Work"


Informal beamline tours and discussions with beamline scientists




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