Argonne National Laboratory

Users Week 2010
May 3-5, 2010

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Franklin Award Winner

Rafael JaramilloThe winner of the 2010 Rosalind Franklin Young Investigator Award, presented by the APS Users Organization, is Rafael Jaramillo, Ziff Environmental Fellow, Harvard University Center for the Environment. Dr. Jaramillo was recognized for his work in developing new capabilities for studying quantum magnetism at high pressure, particularly in chromium. More details >>



Invited Student Talk

Lili GaoThe invited student talk will be presented this year by Lili Gao, Department of Geology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Ms. Gao's poster (A-41) is entitled "Pressure Dependence of Atomic Structure, Magnetism, and Elastic Properties of Fe3C: A Combined Synchrotron X-ray Diffraction and Nuclear Resonant Scattering Study." More info about this award >>




Poster Prize Winners

Minna Krejci, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Northwestern University, "Elucidating Mechanisms of Ba and Sr Selectivity in Desmid Green Algae with X-ray Fluorescence Microscopy" (A-09)

Cheukyui Leung, Northwestern University, "Buckled Membranes in Mixed-valence Ionic Amphiphile Vesicles Analyzed by X-ray Scattering" (A-12)

Daniel Schreiber, Department of Materials Science & Engineering, Northwestern University, "Combined Transmission Electron Microscopy and Atom-Probe Tomography of Magnetic Tunnel Junctions" (E-06)

More info about this award >>








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