Argonne National Laboratory

Users Week 2007
May 7-12, 2007

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Registration & Abstracts
Practical Matters

- April 9: poster abstracts
- April 10: non-U.S. registration
- April 22: housing
- April 23: registration


Download Poster
- 8.5 x 11
- 11 x 17

For Organizers


Past Meetings


May 7 - 12, 2007
Advanced Photon Source - Center for Nanoscale Materials - Electron Microscopy Center - Intense Pulsed Neutron Source


  • Advanced Design Consulting USA, Inc. - Meeting tote bags
  • Blake Industries - Cocktail reception at the Adler Planetarium
  • Consortium for Advanced Radiation Sources - CARS student poster prize
  • DuPont-Northwestern-Dow Collaborative Access Team (DND-CAT) - Student  poster prize support
  • FEI Company - Saturday workshops
  • Frontiers in Optical and Coherent and Ultrafast Science (FOCUS),  University of Michigan -- Support for Workshop 3, Time-Resolved X-ray  and Neutron Scattering
  • High-Pressure Collaborative Access Team (HP-CAT) - Student poster prize support
  • Merck Research Laboratories - General meeting support
  • Positronic - General meeting support
  • Raith USA Inc. - Saturday workshops
  • Rigaku Americas - Sky Shows at the Adler Planetarium
  • UChicago Argonne, LLC - User Meeting banquet

What's Different This Year:

The Users Meeting this year has a few new twists.

  • The plenary session is now on Monday (not Wednesday).
  • Tuesday is devoted to facility-specific science sessions.
  • Wednesday and Thursday are workshop days.
  • You have several options for participation: full week, partial week, or either plus Saturday short courses.
  • There are more student opportunities: Students can choose to be considered for short invited talks, and there will be several prizes for student posters.
  • Tours of the user facilities will be offered.
  • See other meeting highlights...

Key Dates:

January Invitation to exhibitors (to be included in mailing, please write to
March Registration open
April 9 Poster abstracts due note date change: deadline extended to April 9
April 10 Registration deadline for non-U.S. citizens without access badge
April 22 Housing reservation deadline to obtain meeting rate
April 23 Registration for all others (without late fee)


Meeting Highlights

Joint User Facilities Workshops Nanoscience Workshops CNM Short Courses Other Highlights
U.S. Department of Energy UChicago Argonne LLC Office of Science - Department of Energy
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