Argonne National Laboratory

Users Week 2010
May 3-5, 2010

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Workshop 7
Are Phase-Contrast and Diffraction Imaging/Microscopy
Ready for Biology and Medicine?

May 5
Building 401, Room A5000
1:30 pm – 4:40 pm

Organizers: Han Wen (National Institutes of Health), and Christoph Rose-Petruck (Brown University)

Within the past five years, phase-contrast (PC) and diffraction imaging saw rapid advance, particularly in full-field techniques, which are driven by the speed requirement of biological and medical applications. Among these are wave-propagation-based PC techniques using high spatial-coherence sources, Talbot-grating-based phase-stepping techniques, grid-based spatial harmonic techniques, and crystal-analyzer-based techniques. These approaches are distinct but also interconnected. They are now being implemented in a number of forms that include microscopy, radiography, tomography, and elastography and some have reached live animal in vivo imaging. This workshop aims to facilitate exchange of the latest ideas among researchers of the various approaches, to focus on the first biomedical applications that are on the horizon, and to highlight what needs to be developed for further expansion into biology and medicine.


Abstracts linked if text and permission received.

1:30 – 1:35 Introduction
1:35 – 2:20 Carol Muehleman (Rush Medical College)
“Diagnostic Potential of Phase-sensitive Radiography”
2:20 – 3:05 Christopher Parham (University of North Carolina)
"Breast Imaging” [abstract]
3:05 – 3:30 Coffee Break
3:30 – 3:55

Zhong Zhong (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
“Beamline Instrumentation and Diffraction Imaging”

3:55 – 4:20 Christoph Rose-Petruck (Brown University)
“Propagation-based Differential Phase Contrast X-ray Imaging of Soft Tissue” [abstract]
4:20 – 4:45 Han Wen (National Institutes of Health)
“Spatial Harmonic Techniques for in vivo Imaging” [abstract]









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