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Users Week 2010
May 3-5, 2010

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Workshop 4
Science Opportunities with an X-ray Free Electron Laser Oscillator

May 5
Building 440, Room A1100
8:30 am – 12:30 pm

Organizers: K.-J. Kim and Yu. Shvyd’ko (APS, Argonne National Laboratory)

An x-ray free electron laser oscillator (XFELO) is a next-generation hard x-ray source, which will produce fully coherent x-ray beams of record spectral purity and average brightness in the photon energy range from about 5 to 25 keV. The characteristics of an XFELO are complementary to those of self-amplified spontaneous emission (SASE) and are briefly summarized below. The goal of the workshop is to explore the scientific opportunities that such an x-ray source could open up, and thus to evaluate an XFELO as a future light source complementary to the upgraded APS.

XFELO Characteristics

  • Photon energy coverage from 5 keV to 25 keV (and third harmonics)
  • Tunable photon energy (5%)
  • Fully coherent transversely and temporally
  • High spectral purity with ~1 meV bandwidth
  • Length of individual x-ray pulse ~0.1-1 ps
  • Number of photons ~109 per pulse (~106–104 for 3rd harmonics)
  • Peak brightness comparable to that of SASE XFELs
  • Pulse repetition rate ~1 MHz
  • Time-averaged brightness is five orders of magnitude higher than that of the LCLS and three orders of magnitude higher than that of the European XFEL.

The organizers gratefully acknowledge the following sponsors:

  • Blake Industries, Inc.
  • KOHZU Precision Co., Ltd.


Session 1 — Chair, Yuri Shvyd'ko

8:30 – 8:45

Kwang-Je Kim (APS, Argonne National Laboratory) 
"Introduction to XFELO" [presentation]

8:45 – 9:10

Paul G. Evans (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
"Opportunities for Materials Science using a Fully Coherent Hard X-ray Laser" [abstract] [presentation]

9:10 – 9:35

Ralf Röhlsberger (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron)
"Perspectives for Nuclear Resonant Scattering and Spectroscopy with an XFELO" [abstract] [presentation]

9:35 – 10:00

Laurence Lurio (Northern Illinois University)
"Prospects for New Science using X-ray Photon Correlation Spectroscopy at an XFELO" [abstract] [presentation]

10:00 – 10:25

Speaker to be determined
Topic: Hard x-ray photoemission spectroscopy

10:25 – 10:45

Coffee Break

Session 2 — Chair, K-J. Kim

10:45 – 11:15

Chris Jacobsen (APS, Argonne National Laboratory)
"XFELO Microscopy: Exploiting Repeating Coherent Beams" [presentation]

11:15 – 11:40      

Clement Burns (Western Michigan University)
"Scientific Opportunities for High-Resolution Inelastic X-ray Scattering with an XFELO Source" [abstract] [presentation]

11:40 – 12:05    

Shin-ichi Adachi (Photon Factory, Japan)
"Watching Photo-induced Dynamics with Ultrafast X-ray Structural Analysis" [abstract] [presentation]

12:05 – 12:30    

Panel Discussion
Discussion leader: Linda Young (APS, Argonne National Laboratory)





























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