U.S. Department of Transportation/Federal Highway Administration

The HPMS is a national level highway information system that includes data on the extent, condition, performance, use and operating characteristics of the nation's highways. The HPMS contains administrative and extent of system information on all public roads, while information on other characteristics is represented in HPMS as a mix of universe and sample data for arterial and collector functional systems. Limited information on travel and paved miles is included in summary form for the lowest functional systems.

HPMS was developed in 1978 as a continuing database, replacing the special biennial condition studies that had been conducted since 1965. The HPMS has been modified several times since its inception. Changes have been made to reflect changes in the highway systems, legislation, and national priorities, to reflect new technology, and to consolidate or streamline reporting requirements.

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HPMS and Related Publications

Quick Find Mileage Data (tables on Road miles from Highway Statistics)
Toll Facilities in the United States
HPMS Field Manual
HPMS Primer (Overview of the HPMS for FHWA)
FHWA Review Guidelines

HPMS Archive Item Descriptions (Data item descriptions)

Use of Census Boundaries for HPMS Data Reporting

FAQs: Applying 2000 Census Data to Urbanized and Urban Areas
Urban Area Boundaries

Highway Functional Classification Guidelines

Highway Functional Classification: Concepts, Criteria and Procedures
Updated Guidance for the Functional Classification of Highways

HPMS Travel Data Reporting

State Practices Used to Report Local Area Travel

Traffic Data for High Volume Routes: Best Practices and Guidelines

Improving HPMS Data Quality

A Continuous Process Improvement Model for the HPMS
Seven Deadly Misconceptions About Information Quality

Data Quality

HPMS Sample Management

Other Publications

Non-Federal Applications of HPMS
State geospatial networks in the National Transportation Atlas Database (NTAD)