United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission - Protecting People and the Environment
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Changing your Digital ID Certificate

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I have a new e-mail address. Can I update my Digital ID Certificate?

Once a digital ID certificate has been issued it cannot be changed. Your digital ID certificate specifically verifies that your public key is bound to your stated e-mail address, so when you change addresses you need to revoke and delete your old digital ID certificate and request a new digital ID certificate. Instructions are provided at the NRC website: Obtain a Digital ID Certificate.

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I moved or changed my name. Can I update the information on my Digital ID Certificate?

Once a digital ID certificate has been issued it cannot be changed. If you would like your digital ID certificate to reflect your new information you will need to obtain a new one. Instructions for enrolling for a new digital ID certificate and revoking an old digital ID certificate are provided at the NRC website: Obtain a Digital ID Certificate.

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Page Last Reviewed/Updated Thursday, January 17, 2013