The health and safety of people before, during and after a disaster should always be the top priority. Possessions can be replaced. People cannot. Ready America and FEMA provide information on preparing yourself, family, home, and business for disasters. Being prepared can save precious time and lives when a disaster is imminent.

Ready America recommends:

  1. Make a Kit/ “To-go” Bag
  2. Make a Plan
  3. Be Informed

If you are responsible for children do not forget to explain to them what is happening and what they may experience. There are activities and games available from Ready Kids Publications and FEMA Ready Kids to help explain disasters to children.

Downloading and ordering all Ready publications


Clean Up Safely After a Disaster

Emergency Preparedness and Response, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Health and Safety Concerns for All Disasters

National Park Service Office of Public Health Hurricane Emergency Preparedness Guidance

Tornado Risks and Hazards in the Midwest United States 

Weather Safety: Hurricanes, NOAA

Mold hazard in a historic New Orleans home post Hurricane Katrina.

Mold hazard in a historic New Orleans home post Hurricane Katrina.

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