National Park Service U.S. Department of the Interior

National Register of Historic Places

The National Register of Historic Places is the official list of the Nation's historic places worthy of preservation. Authorized by the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, the National Park Service's National Register of Historic Places is part of a national program to coordinate and support public and private efforts to identify, evaluate, and protect America's historic and archeological resources.

News & Events

Weekly Highlight Property

Women's History Month »
The National Register of Historic Places lists many properties significant for women's history. We take the opportunity of Women's History Month to highlight just some of the properties that exemplify the contributions of women to American history.This month we highlight the Elizabeth C. Quinlan House in Minneapolis and Mt. Airy (Grandma Moses) property in Virginia. Read more . . .

Weekly Highlight Property

Weekly List »
Halprin Open Space Sequence, Portland, Oregon
"The Portland Open Space Sequence . . . is an acknowledged masterpiece of modern design. Halprin is one of the great landscape architects of the twentieth century . His work helped revitalize the profession in the United States and was a model of design that was creative, innovative and addressed the urban condition. The Portland fountains are known worldwide ... It would not overstate the case to say that they have been a pilgrimage site for design professionals, for they changed the concept of the urban fountain and were the catalyst for a revivification of fountain and urban open space design." Read more . . .

Cover of Hispanic Brochure

Registro Nacional de Lugares Históricos: National Register of Historic Places "Poster" Brochure Poster (in Spanish)
La lista oficial de los lugares históricos de la nación, dignos de conservar, se consigna en el Registro Nacional de Lugares Históricos (National Register of Historic Places). El Registro Nacional fue creado por la Ley Nacional para la Conservación Histórica de 1966 (National Historic Preservation Act) y forma parte de un programa nacional de coordinación y apoyo a esfuerzos tanto públicos como privados, en la identificación, evaluación y protección de los recursos históricos y arqueológicos del pais.

NPS Arrowhead indicating the National Register County Challenge

Traditional Cultural Properties request for comments

The Period for Comments on Traditional Cultural Properties has been extended until April 2nd, 2013
The National Register of Historic Places is hosting an e-mail forum to discuss the issues faced with listing TCPs on the National Register.


Map of the United States

July 19th GIS webinar recording: Using GIS for Latitude & Longitude Coordinates for NR

This webinar covered the use of on-line mapping programs to determine latitude and longitude coordinates in lieu of UTM references for National Register nominations. The webinar will provide step-by-step guidance on the use of Google Earth, BING Maps, ArcGIS Explorer, and a true ArcGIS application.

Draft GIS Map Guidance (word document)

Recording (audio and visuals) of presentation - in WMV format about 1 hour, 36 minutes. Download then play in Window Media Player or similar player. (44 MB)

 National Register on Flickr

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For Travelers »

For Travelers » »
Travel Itineraries: February is African American History Month.  Use our travel itineraries to take a trip to learn about how slaves escaped to freedom Aboard the Underground Railroad  before the Civil War and visit where African Americans struggled for their civil rights in the 20th Century in  We Shall Overcome: Historic Places of the Civil Rights Movement.


Current Teaching with Historic Places feature

For Teachers »
Teaching with Historic Places Lesson Plans
In honor of Women's History Month, Teaching with Historic Places is featuring lesson plans that focus on places associated with the role of women in our nation's history.


The building the Big Duck in New York

National Register of Historic Places About Us »
88,441 total listings
1,677,773 total contributing resources
1,176 properties listed in Fiscal Year 2012


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