NAFTA Safety Stats - Data Sources

NAFTA Safety Stats present information and statistics on the U.S. operations of all U.S. registered interstate and intrastate motor carriers by national domicile of the carrier. The data and information are presented based on the carrier's domicile within each of the three North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) nations - the United State, Canada, and Mexico.

FMCSA operates and maintains MCMIS. MCMIS contains information on the safety fitness of commercial motor carriers and hazardous material (HM) shippers subject to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations (FMCSRs) and the Hazardous Materials Regulations (HMRs). MCMIS is a collection of safety information including state-reported crashes, compliance reviews and roadside inspection results, enforcement data, and motor carrier census data.

  • The MCMIS Inspection data contain information captured at a Roadside Inspection (RI). These data include the type of inspection conducted (inspection level), the number of driver and vehicle violations, Out of Service (OOS) violations resulting from RIs, and domicile information. The inspection also provides the vehicle size and identification, driver information, and the date and location of the inspection. Domicile information for a carrier is based on census address information when the DOT number is available. When an inspection does not have a DOT number associated with it, the domicile information for a carrier provided at the time of the inspection is used.

    NAFTA Safety Stats Inspection data are derived from a December 16, 2011 MCMIS data snapshot.
  • The MCMIS Compliance Review data include carrier performance and compliance data regarding FMCSRs and HMRs, which are captured during an on-site compliance review (CR). CR data contain domicile information, number of drivers and power units, carrier safety ratings, number of recordable crashes, and the number and types of violations of acute, critical, and other regulations discovered during a CR. For years 2007 to 2011, domicile information is derived from the compliance review safety event data.

    NAFTA Safety Stats Compliance Review data are derived from a December 16, 2011 MCMIS data snapshot.
  • The MCMIS Crash data include carrier performance and compliance data regarding FMCSRs and HMRs, which are captured during an on-site compliance review (CR). CR data contain domicile information, number of drivers and power units, carrier safety ratings, number of recordable crashes, and the number and types of violations of acute, critical, and other regulations discovered during a CR. Domicile information is derived from the compliance review safety event data.

    NAFTA Safety Stats Crash data are derived from a December 16, 2011 MCMIS data snapshot.
  • The MCMIS Census data* contain records for several hundred thousand active entities, i.e., motor carriers, hazardous materials shippers, and registrants (entities that register vehicles but are not carriers). The census data provide descriptive data on the carrier such as the number of drivers and power units, carrier location, operation type and cargo types transported by the entity. In order to identify each entity, MCMIS assigns a unique number to each entity record, which is referred to as the record census number. This is also the number supplied to an entity as their USDOT number. NAFTA Safety Stats uses the multi year snapshots of the Census file data to check whether an interstate or HM intrastate motor carrier is active with a U.S. DOT number.

    The MCMIS Census snapshot dates currently used are:
    December 21, 2007
    December 19, 2008
    December 18, 2009
    December 17, 2010
    December 16, 2011

    *NOTE: NAFTA Safety Stats Crash data does not rely on the Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) because the FARS database does not record carrier domicile information.

Passenger Carriers listed are active in both MCMIS and Licensing and Insurance (L&I) databases as of December 16, 2011.

Additionally, NAFTA Safety Stats uses border data from the U.S. Department of Transportation, Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS). Border crossing data are collected by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Customs and Border Protection, and provided to BTS on a monthly basis. Border trade data are collected by the U.S. Department of Commerce, Census Bureau, and provided to BTS on a monthly basis.

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