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HUD   >   Program Offices   >   Community Planning and Development   >   Environment   >   Assessment Tools for Environmental Compliance


Assessment Tools for Environmental Compliance

The Environmental Planning Division has created the Assessment Tools for Environmental Compliance (ATEC), a collection of guidance documents, calculators, checklists, and databases that addresses the “related federal laws and authorities." ATEC is intended to help grantees meet their compliance responsibilities and complete their environmental review with greater ease and efficiency.

It also aids users in achieving the Department's goal of providing a safe, suitable living environment.
Another available resource is the local Environmental Officer (EO), who can help identify additional resources, answer questions, and explain requirements.

Please send questions or comments to

To access the various tools, click on the subject matter links in the logo above or the hyperlinks below.

Airport Clear Zones Hazardous Substances
Air Quality   Acceptable Separation
Distance Calculator
Coastal Areas Protection   Hazard Mitigation Module
  Coastal Areas Protection Q A's   Hazardous Facilities Guidebook
  Coastal Barriers Resource Act Training Module Historic Preservation
  U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Coastal Barrier Resources System)   Historic Preservation Basics - Section 106 Compliance and  HUD

Coastal Zone Management

  Historic Property Identification
  Coastal Zone Management Act Guidance   Neighborhood Stabilization Program Section 106 Toolkit

Notice on Tribal Consultation
  Coastal Zone Management Act State Contacts   Section 106 Guidance for NSP Land Banking
Endangered Species   Section 106 Checklist
Environmental Justice   Section 106 Flowchart
Farmlands Protection   Section 106 Agreement Database
Explosive and Flammables   Tribal Directory Assessment Tool (TDAT)
Floodplain Management and Wetlands Protection    
  Floodplain Management Noise Abatement and Control
  Flood Insurance   Sound Transmission Classification Assessment Tool (STraCAT)
  Wetlands Protection   Day Night Noise Level Calculator
    Sole Source Aquifers
    Wild and Scenic Rivers