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IDIS Resources for the CDBG Program

Helpful Numbers

This site contains a comprehensive list of learning materials to assist CDBG grantees in mastering IDIS functionality and fulfilling their CDBG reporting requirements.  Policy, programmatic, and navigational information is provided to assist grantees in using IDIS and in reporting complete and accurate data that demonstrate the contribution the CDBG program is making toward meeting the needs of low- and moderate-income persons across the country.

The following information is provided below:    

IDIS Reference Materials for CDBG Grantees

                Manuals:  Provide detailed instructions for using IDIS

Additional Guidance (some of which are also available in the appendices to the above manuals)   

Training Handouts (from the live CDBG two-day IDIS training sessions)

Screen Shots and Sample Reports

IDIS Online Training Modules for the CDBG Program

During 2010-2012, the CDBG program sponsored 46 two-day IDIS training sessions for CDBG grantees.  Below are links to IDIS Online training modules that replicate those training sessions. 

You will need to download the free Adobe Flash Player in order to view these modules.

Module 1: Overview

Module 2: Projects

Module 3: Housing

Module 4: Public Facilities

Module 5: Public Services

Module 6: Economic Development

Module 7: Reports

Module 8: Activity Funding

Module 9: Drawdowns

Module 10: Program Income

IDIS Webinars for CDBG Grantees

The Office of Community Planning and Development held a series of four IDIS Webinars during August, 2011. These Webinars, primarily designed for grantee staff, provide information about how to correctly enter data into IDIS to satisfy CDBG reporting requirements, how to use IDIS reports to effectively manage and administer CDBG, and how to avoid common mistakes when entering CDBG data in IDIS.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011 2:00 p.m. EDT


Learn the key steps for adding and reporting accomplishments for CDBG housing activities. If you are a new or self-taught user, this Webinar will give you the tools, knowledge, and confidence to enter the data correctly the first time and avoid mistakes. If you are a more experienced user, you will learn about the latest updates to IDIS and reinforce your understanding of the system.

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Wednesday, August 17, 2011 2:00 p.m. EDT

Public Facilities, Public Services, and Economic Development

Learn important steps for adding and reporting accomplishments for CDBG public facilities, services, and economic development. If you are a new or self-taught user, this Webinar will give you the tools, knowledge, and confidence to enter the data correctly the first time and avoid mistakes. If you are a more experienced user, you will learn about the latest updates to IDIS and reinforce your understanding of the system.

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Wednesday, August 24, 12:30 p.m. EDT

Common Mistakes Grantees Make in Reporting CDBG Data

IDIS can be an extremely powerful tool to highlight the benefit of CDBG across the country and in your community, but only to the extent that the underlying data is correct. Watch this Webinar and learn how to avoid common mistakes and ensure your data properly reflects all of the benefits CDBG is providing in your community.

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Thursday, August 25, 12:30 p.m. EDT

Generating CDBG Reports in IDIS

Are you getting ready for your CAPER and need help with IDIS reports? Are you evaluating the effectiveness of your CDBG program? This Webinar will provide instruction on how to generate, format, and customize the CDBG reports available in IDIS with an emphasis on the PR03 Activity Summary Report, PR26 CDBG Financial Summary Report, PR83 CDBG Performance Measurement Report, and PR54 Performance Profile.

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Content current as of 17 July 2012   Follow this link to go  Back to top