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HOME Property Standards

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Properties assisted with HOME funds must meet certain minimum property standards.

While the applicable standards vary based on the nature of HOME activity funded, the topics below summarizes all of the standards used in the HOME Program.

State and Local Standards

State and local codes and ordinances apply to any HOME-funded project, regardless of whether the project involves acquisition, rehabilitation, or new construction.

Model Codes

For rehabilitation or new construction projects where there are not state or local building codes, the PJ must enforce national model codes.

These include:

  • Uniform Building Code (ICBO);
  • National Building Code (BOCA);
  • Standard Building Code (SBCCI);
  • Council of American Building Officials one or two family code (CABO); or
  • Minimum Property Standards at 24 CFR 200.925 or 200.926 (FHA).

Housing Quality Standards

For acquisition-only projects, if there are no state or local codes or standards, the PJ must enforce Section 8 Housing Quality Standards (HQS).

Rehabilitation Standards.

Each PJ must develop written rehabilitation standards to apply to all HOME-funded rehabilitation work.

These standards are similar to work specifications, and generally describe the methods and materials to be used when performing rehabilitation activities.

These include:

  • Model Energy Code. New construction requires compliance with the Model Energy Code.
  • Handicapped accessibility. In some cases, handicapped accessibility requirements apply.
  • Site and neighborhood standards. The site and neighborhood standards of 24 CFR 983.6(b) apply only to the new construction of rental housing.
  • Manufactured housing. All new manufactured housing must meet the construction and safety standards of 24 CFR 3280. New manufactured housing must be installed according to state or local codes or the manufacturer's written instructions.

Content current as of 23 July 2009   Follow this link to go  Back to top