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Multiple Use Decision Process

After completing an allotment evaluation, the BLM uses a Multiple Use Decision (MUD) to establish livestock grazing, appropriate management levels for wild horse and burros, and recommendations for wildlife habitat management.
A Proposed Multiple Use Decision (PMUD) is issued under 43 CFR 4160, starting a 15-day protest period. The PMUD is sent to the permittee(s) or lessee(s) and other affected interests and interested publics. If disagreement exists on an allotment, permittee(s) or lessee(s) and other affected interests may protest the PMUD. BLM considers all protests filed and then issues a Final Multiple Use Decision (FMUD), starting a 30-day appeal period. If disagreement still exists with the FMUD, the permittee(s) or lessee(s) and other affected interests may appeal under 43 CFR 4160.4 and 4.470 for the livestock portion, 43 CFR 4.21 for the wild horse and burro portion and 43 CFR 4.21 for the wildlife portion. At the conclusion of the decision process the management actions are implemented and monitoring continues until the next evaluation.
Multiple Use Decision Format
All decisions issued as a result of completion of an allotment evaluation are issued in the MUD format. The MUD format has four sections: Introduction; Livestock Grazing Management Decision; Wild Horse and Burro Management Decision; and Wildlife Decision. Each of these sections includes a rationale, citation of appropriate authority, and information about protests and appeal procedures.
Land Use Plan (LUP) Process
Draft Resource Management Plan and Draft Environmental Impact Statement
Proposed Resource Management Plan and Final Environmental Impact Statement
Approved Resource Management Plan and Record of Decision


Multiple Use Decision Appeals Flow Chart

Livestock                                               Wildlife                                         Wild Horse & Burro 
Administrative Law Judge      Interior Board of Land Appeals          Interior Board of Land Appeals 
     (ALJ)                                                     (IBLA)                                       (IBLA)
43 CFR 4160                                           43 CFR 1600                               43 CFR 4770
43 CFR 4.470                                           43 CFR 4.4                                  43 CFR 4.21
      l                                                                                l                    l
      l                                                                       Request remand to ALJ
      l                                                                                l                    l
Administrative Hearing      < < < < < < < < < < <  Remand              Remand
      l                                                                        granted            not granted             
      l                                                                                                         l              
      l                                                                                                         l
ALJ Decision                                                                                             l
      l                                                                                                         l
      l                                                                                                         l
IBLA Appeal                                                                                             l
      l                                                                                                         l
      l                                                                                                         l
      l                                                                                                         l
Federal District Courts        < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < <  IBLA Decision                                                                                         
Circuit Courts
Supreme Court                

Last updated: 03-03-2007