Senate Democrats

May 2011
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Day May 11, 2011

Senate Floor Wrap Up For Wednesday, May 11, 2011

adopted S.Res.179, making minority committee appointments


Senate Floor Wrap Up For Wednesday, May 11, 2011

S.Res.179, making minority committee appointments


Declaracion De Reid Sobre Junta Bipartidista Con El Presidente Calderon

11 de mayo de 2011 Washington, D.C.— El Líder de la Mayoría Harry Reid hizo las siguientes declaraciones después de una reunión bipartidista con el Presidente de México Felipe Calderón, el Líder Republicano Mitch McConnell, la Sen. Dianne Feinstein, el Sen. Robert Menendez, el Sen. John McCain, el Sen. Bill Nelson y el Sen. Richard Lugar.…


Senate Roll Call Vote #00069

On the Nomination: Confirmation Arenda L. Wright Allen, of Virginia, to be United States District JudgeResult: Confirmed (96-0, 4 members not voting, 1/2 threshold)Details: [click here]


Senate Roll Call Vote #00069

On the Nomination: Confirmation Arenda L. Wright Allen, of Virginia, to be United States District JudgeResult: Confirmed (96-0, 4 members not voting, 1/2 threshold)Details: [click here]


Reid: We Must Keep Independent Agencies Independent, Allow Them To Operate Freely And Without Political Pressure

Washington, D.C.–Nevada Senator Harry Reid made the following remarks today regarding the National Labor Relations Board. Below are his remarks as prepared for delivery: “In a partisan environment, there is the temptation turn every issue into a political issue.  We certainly live in one of those environments. “That’s regrettable, but far from unfamiliar.  Politics play…


Reviews Are In on Boehner’s Debt Ceiling Speech… (And They Aren’t Pretty)

‘Incoherent’ … ‘Impervious to Facts’… ‘Devoid’ of ‘Accurate Diagnosis’ of Debt Problem …’Makes No Economic Sense’ STATEMENT FROM SENATOR CHARLES E. SCHUMER: “The Speaker is entitled to his own opinions about how to reduce our debt, but not his own facts. We will never cure what ails our economy if the Republicans keep misdiagnosing the…


Democrats Urge Oil Ceos To Admit They No Longer Need Taxpayer-Funded Handouts, Use Money To Cut Deficit Instead

Senators Release Letter On Eve Of Major Senate Hearing Where Heads Of Five Largest Oil Companies Will Testify Money Saved By Revoking Wasteful Giveaways Would Reduce Deficit Washington, DC—Today Democrats sent a letter to the CEOs of the Big Five oil companies urging them to admit in Senate hearings tomorrow that they no longer need…


In Letter, Reid And Menendez Urge Senate Republicans To Cosponsor Legislation To Bring Down Deficit By Ending Wasteful Handouts To Big Oil Companies

Letter Calls On Republicans To Join Effort To Close Tax Loopholes And End Unneeded Subsidies For Big Oil Companies Raking In Record Profits While Hiking Prices Money Saved Would Reduce The Deficit By Tens of Billions Washington, DC—Nevada Senator Harry Reid and New Jersey Senator Robert Menendez today sent a “Dear Colleague” letter to Senate Republicans asking them to…


Reid Statement On President’s Nomination Of Mark Wetjen To Commodity Futures Trading Commission

Washington, D.C.—Nevada Senator Harry Reid released the following statement on counselor and senior policy advisor Mark Wetjen’s nomination by President Obama to be commissioner of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission: “Mark Wetjen’s successful career as a lawyer in Nevada coupled with his enormous intellect would have allowed him to do anything and go anywhere. Yet…
