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In California, Building and Appliance Energy Efficiency Standards have made homes and commercial buildings more efficient than those in other states and in many countries. But more than half of the state's estimated 13 million existing buildings were constructed before the first Energy Efficiency Standards were established in 1978. As a result, commercial buildings in particular offer a large reserve of potential energy savings.

Building regulations affect existing buildings as they are remodeled or enlarged, while more efficient appliance standards cut energy use in existing buildings as well as new ones.

Here are some of the ways to make commercial buildings more energy efficiency to cut costs, improve comfort, and provide a more sustainable future.

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Tips to Save Energy and Money at Work

Energy Myths

Did You Know...

According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, commercial buildings generate 18 percent of carbon dioxide emissions in the United States. Industrial faciliites generate 33 percent of U.S. carbon dioxcide.

Thirty percent of energy consumed in buildings is used unnecessarily or inefficiently!

Website: "Useful Facts & Figures"

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